Now that the pressure of keeping your NYE Resolutions is behind you, it’s time to really start having fun. And February definitely won’t disappoint. These are the best…

Now that the pressure of keeping your NYE Resolutions is behind you, it’s time to really start having fun. And February definitely won’t disappoint. These are the best…
There’s so much more to November than dudes not shaving. Next month is offering tons of amazing activities for anyone who wants to make the most of fall…
Get chuggin’ at the 2019 Chicago Craft Beer and Pizza Festival Okay, maybe don’t chug; it’s not that kind of party. But you’re more than welcome to sample…
Summertime Chi just doesn’t feel right without a good barbecue. You’re in luck because one of the tastiest events of the season has yet to pass. Don’t miss out…
Cheers, y’all! Beer fest season is officially here. View our list of the best beer festivals in Chicago. Chicago Beer Classic May 4 @ Soldier Field Advertisement…
Solidifying Chicago’s beer mecca status, each year, the Illinois Craft Beer Week returns for its annual celebration! And the beer selections are endless. Over a weeklong span, enjoy an…
Time to shift gears and get weird, Chicago. New Belgium Brewing’s annual Tour de Fat festival rolls into town on Saturday, June 30th, and UrbanMatter’s got the hookup. Like…
Giving ‘Beer Fest’ a Whole New Meaning Beer festivals take place in just about every city, and on every block. What makes Beer Mansion different? Well, everything really.…
The Winter Edition of Chicago Ale Fest returns to Navy Pier this month, bringing samples of over 150 craft beers to thirsty Chicagoans. Hosted during two separate sessions,…
It was recently announced that a surprise venue has been added to the lineup of Friday Night Flights, a six-part summer series celebrating local breweries. On Friday, August 18,…