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It’s time to get freaky at the Lagunitas Beer Circus. For one day only on Saturday, August 24, Lagunitas Brewing Company is hosting its annual pop-up freak show across…
While summer events are winding down into nonexistence, there are plenty of fall-friendly happenings cropping up as we venture further into August. If you’re a sucker for the…
Are you a dancing queen and you damn well know it? Do you crave the spotlight, the reverence, the praise from an adoring audience, but you don’t know where to…
Here’s who’s puttin’ on a show this month in New York City. Tune-Yards March 9th @ Brooklyn Steel Usually stylized tUnE-yArDs, this New England based indie band…
A raw and riveting interpretation of a timeless story The Joffrey Ballet Company opens its 2016-2017 season this month with Polish National Ballet Director Krzysztof Pastor’s Romeo and Juliet. Anyone who…