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He’s donated millions to Chicago Public Schools. He’s put on surprise Childish Gambino concerts for Chicago kids. He’s brought Alicia Keys and Kanye West together for a pop-up…
Okay, not including the massive variety of music and street festivals happening in Chicago this summer (we’ve got a whole other article on that), we wanted to highlight…
Midsummer Night Swing June 27 – July 15 @ Damrosch Park at Lincoln Center Plaza Whether you’re a regular dancing queen or the most uncoordinated individual in NYC,…
Yes, I know that it’s absolutely frigid outside. And yes, I totally get how sub-freezing temps might make a person wanna crawl into bed binge watch the winter…
Before the Run the Jewels concert even began, the sold-out Aragon Ballroom was already feeling the duo’s explosive energy. As the 5,000+ people who were crammed on the…