Whether you were bitten by the marathon bug or just want to preemptively squeeze in a workout before the biggest feast of the year, turkey trots are a…
Tag: run

Chicago is basically a runner’s paradise, and now is the time of year to get outside and enjoy the warm temps while getting in a solid workout. There’s no…

Through thick and thin, chocolate has always been there for us. It’s there when we’re happy. It’s there when we’re sad. Heck, it’s even there when we’re eating…

Introductions… They’re great. We love ’em. But sometimes, we know you’d rather just get down to business. Instead of clobbering you in the head with the Chicago Marathon…

You’re never a loser until you quit trying. – Da Coach Let’s face it, when it comes to Chicago sports history, it doesn’t get more iconic than Mike…

April is always one of our favorite months at Chicago Genie. April Fool’s Day can get pretty hectic around here (we’ll leave it at that), and more importantly,…