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UrbanMatter Sponsored Content & Advertising Packages

Want To Advertise With UrbanMatter?

UrbanMatter is a trusted source for all things Austin. We provide coverage of the latest restaurants, bars, museums, festivals, events, organizations, and social justice efforts in the city. Our goal is to curate high-quality editorial content that is designed to keep Austin residents aware of the latest news around them.

Are you looking to promote your business, restaurant, or event to our readers? Our editorial team offers a large selection of sponsored content packages to help you reach college students, families, social activists, entrepreneurs, and brand enthusiasts in Austin.


Events Package
Custom Editorial
Event Listing
Facebook Event + Boost
Instagram Post
Instagram Story
Link in Instagram Bio + Highlight
Sign Me Up
Location Package
Custom Editorial
Location Page
Custom Video
Instagram Post
Instagram Story
Link in Instagram Bio + Highlight
Sign Me Up
Brand Package
Custom Editorial
Homepage Takeover
Custom Video
Instagram Post
Instagram Story
Link in Instagram Bio + Highlight
Sign Me Up



Monthly Website Views


Instagram Followers


Readers Aged 25-34


Facebook Followers


Average Monthly Social Engagement


Twitter Followers


  • Domain Authority: 45
  • Ahrefs Authority: 58
  • April 2020 Sessions: 441,482
  • April 2020 Pageviews: 493,039
  • April 2020 New Users: 401,262
  • April 2020 Average Time on Site: 00:27
  • April 2020 Bounce Rate: 91.87%



Sponsored Content & Stories

Our audience consists of anyone from young, vibrant individuals to families in the Austin area that are looking for the latest events, restaurants, lounges, brands, organizations, and bars. UrbanMatter’s readers and brand enthusiasts are between the ages of 25 – 34. If you’re looking to reach local Austin residents, our editorial team is able to help by providing you with unique sponsored content that is designed to promote your event, business, and brand.  

The UrbanMatter website and our articles receive up to 400,000 views per month, making us an excellent medium to reach targeted audiences. All sponsored content includes engaging images and links to your website with additional promotional efforts on our social media accounts. With a Domain Authority of 45, all outgoing links on the UrbanMatter site will help boost your search engine rankings in Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Your sponsored story will be shared with our 54k Facebook followers and 9.7k Instagram users to help boost awareness for your festival, event, organization, bar, restaurant, products, or brands. All event, branded, and promoted content will be featured in an Email Campaign, sent out to 3k viewers each week. Promote your event, restaurant, cause, brand, or business with sponsored stories by UrbanMatter.

Location Page Sponsored Post

Local businesses, restaurants, bars, lounges, venues, and attractions in the Austin area utilize our localization and citation services to enhance their visibility online in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Attract new customers to your business with a customized location page that features an address, phone number, website link, social media embeds, images, and localized branded content that is designed to help customers find you online. 

The sponsored stories that will be provided for your location page will be designed to educate readers about the services, products, food, drinks, activities, or amenities offered by your local business. Once you have been accepted to obtain a location page with branded and sponsored content, it will remain on our site indefinitely. We optimize each location page with high-volume, localized keywords to ensure your business ranks higher in Google and Bing. 

Homepage Takeover

Advertise your business in front of thousands of Austin residents that vary in age from 25 – 34 with a Homepage Takeover. This option includes a uniquely designed background advertisement that promotes your products and services on the UrbanMatter homepage. We recommend utilizing this option along with a sponsored story or content to enhance the visibility of your brand to Austin residents. 

Social Promotion

Our team will develop unique and relevant sponsored content for Facebook and Instagram to make you stand out from the crowd. Available options include Facebook Events, Instagram Posts, Instagram Stories, Instagram Bio links, and more.

Facebook Event

We will craft promotional content for your event that will be advertised to our 53k Facebook followers and boosted with our ad spend ($10/day for 1 month).

Instagram Post

Drafting the perfect Instagram caption is not easy. However, it is an essential part of the sponsored post creation process that will help ensure your brand is exposed to the proper target audiences. Each Instagram post is designed to encourage engagement with your Instagram account and our brand through an event giveaway in the caption.

Instagram Story

Our team will develop promoted content in the form of an Instagram story that will include photos or videos provided by you with a link that lives in our bio until the event is over. We will also keep the sponsored story in our Highlights until the event is over.

Event Listing

UrbanMatter specializes in cultivating a totally unique, SEO-optimized event description that features branded content plus images, dates, a Google Maps embed and links to your event page listed on our website Events Calendar.