Start UrbanMatter up in your city.

Take the first step on your journey to bringing an authentic, hyper-local news source to your city. If you’re looking for content or editor jobs near you in your local city or suburb, we have the tools to help you succeed. With the right people and a trusted brand, you can get the word out about everything there is to do in your city. Give locals the content they’re looking for and franchise the UrbanMatter brand where you live.

UrbanMatter is not only looking for individuals that are looking to fulfill state-of-the-art content and editor jobs. We’re seeking young entrepreneurs and professional go-getters that have the motivation to start up a trusted media source in the next big city. We’ve already taken care of the Chicago, Phoenix, Austin, and Minneapolis markets, but we’re looking for people to take the reigns in New York City, Los Angeles, London, Berlin, Tokyo, and more! If you have an eye for trending news and feel connected to your city on a personal level, you’re the perfect candidate for a content or editor job near your local city. Bring the UrbanMatter brand to locals near you.

At UrbanMatter, U Matter. And we think this matters.