While we creep into August, many can’t help but feel that summer just hasn’t felt like true summer. This is with good reason, given that so many summer staples have been altered or canceled altogether due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but something that has been keeping many fueled with joy this season is a reconnection with nature and the outdoors. Located just an hour from Chicago, Von Bergen’s Country Market is home to a huge sunflower maze for stunning family fun.
In the city of Hebron, often recognized by the basketball-painted water tower, Von Bergen’s Country Market sits near the outskirts of the city. The maze near Chicago is open from 9 am through 8 pm, but is variant on the weather! If it rains, the maze closes, so make sure you check the weather forecast before making your trek out to the maze!

Once you arrive at the sunflower maze in Chicago, admission only runs $5 a person for anyone who is over the age of 3 (toddlers rejoice!) payable with cash or credit card and, once the admission fee has been paid, guests can complete and explore the maze as many times as they’d like and for as long as they want to. On average, the maze takes about 20 minutes to complete going at a solid pace but if you want photos (and we’re tellin’ you, these flowers are extremely Instagram-friendly), expect to spend a little more time among the sunflowers. There’s no need to rush it anyway when so much beauty is abundant!
This year, Von Bergen’s Country Market will be offering three mazes near Chicago throughout the season: the first one’s peak bloom has already passed, the second one is currently available, and the final one will be open to guests in the fall. While the mazes are indeed outside, guests are still encouraged to practice social distancing while inside the maze and at the market. Some toys and equipment on the premises may not be available for public use and, as always, guests should consider wearing masks even though they will be outdoors.

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Given that it is the summer season, be aware that there will be plenty of bees about purveying the sunflowers as well. If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you! (For those not as fond of our fuzzy, flying friends, Von Bergen’s Country Market wants you to know that there will also be fall programming and festivities in the autumn months where the fear of a stinger should be non-existent.)

Parking is free and is located on the grass areas near the mazes. Afterward, chow down on some of the sweet corn at the market and take a sunflower home to remember your time at the Von Bergen’s Country Market! Be sure to keep up with their Facebook page for any and all updates.
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Featured Image Credit: Von Bergen’s