If you were looking for a sign to finally adopt a new best friend, this is it.

Chicago’s largest no-kill animal shelter, PAWS, is waiving the adoption fees for some of its longtime residents this weekend as they reach max capacity. The adoption event, appropriately titled Summer Lovin, will take place on Saturday, July 28th, and Sunday, July 29th, from 11 am to 6 pm at the Lincoln Park Adoption Center at 1997 N Clybourn Ave. All eligible cats and dogs can be found on the PAWS website with the yellow Summer Lovin tag, if you wanna find your fav before heading in.
In addition to finding their crew some new forever homes, PAWS is of course always looking for foster homes to help out with the cause. But, before you commit, PAWS urges potential foster families and new owners to read over their adoption policies first, which you can find here. Remember, adopting is a life-long responsibility!
In a statement released to the media earlier this week, PAWS notes that “summertime is an exceptionally critical time of year in animal welfare. With so many litters being born, in addition to the abundance of homeless pets in need of a loving home, even more animals are at risk of euthanasia in our community’s open admission shelters.”
For more info on the Summer Lovin adoption event, check out the PAWS website, here.
Our featured image, Saphire, is also available for adoption!