When it’s good, it’s really good.

Though praise and accolades may not be new to the folks at Au Cheval, this one definitely has a certain ring to it. In their ranking of 101 burgers across the country, the food-lovers and restaurant-experts at The Daily Meal have named the burger at this West Loop favorite the best in the nation. And we couldn’t agree more.
After asking a panel of writers, bloggers, food journalists, and culinary experts across the US their opinion on over 200 different burgers, this upscale Chicago diner’s simple, double patty burger topped with a hefty serving of bacon and a fried egg took the top spot, no questions asked.
Of course, Au Cheval wasn’t the only Chicago joint to make the list. Both the Kuma Burger of Kuma’s Corner (#16) and the Griddled Burger from Edzo’s (#34) made appearances on The Daily Meal’s roundup.
To see the full ranking, head to The Daily Meal’s website, here.
To read up on some other great burgers from the city, head here.
Featured Image Credit: Au Cheval Instagram