If you’re the friend who loves to sing obnoxiously to your favorite Christmas songs, The Music Box’s annual Christmas Double Feature and Sing-A-Long is for you.
From December 7 – 24, celebrate the most cherished tradition of the year. The Music Box Theatre captures the essence of Christmas spirit with nostalgic and heart-warming classics of the past, “White Christmas” and “It’s a Wonderful Life”. To top it all off, lyrics are projected on-screen, inviting you to sing along with them!
The show begins with a special guest appearance from Santa Claus (yes, that right…THE Santa Claus,) who warms up those rusty vocals of yours with some all-time favorite Christmas carols. Then follows the featured films, filling the night with swinging musical numbers, jubilant singing, and uplifting stories. You can decide to watch one of the films or if you’re feeling extra jolly, both. The choice is yours.

Tickets are available in advance. Single feature tickets are $13.50, although you might as well enjoy the double feature for $20. Children under 13 are $10 and $15. On-day purchases for adults are $15.50 and $24, while children stay the same. More information about this annual Sing-A-Long here.
Family-friendly and full of Christmas joy, Music Box is the place to be.
Plus, what’s better than belching out your favorite Christmas carols to some of the best holiday films, without the judgy side-eyes and hushes from the grumpy Grinches of the world? Come show off those beautiful vocals (or lack thereof) and enjoy an authentic, rich experience.
Located at The Music Box on 3733 North Southport Avenue.