Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2024 in Chicago at LiqrBox
I’m looking out my window right now at what feels like the first sunshine of 2024. The throes of January have taken their toll on our collective psyche to the point that New Year’s Eve feels like a year ago. But on the horizon awaits something great. 44 days from now that great big, beautiful, boisterous green drinking holiday presents itself to us again and Green Curtain Events is laying the foundation for another badass St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago.
Enter everyone’s favorite ultra late-night party haven: LiqrBox.
You don’t need to be an all-night partier to understand the joys of LiqrBox. In fact, LiqrBox is as much your late night destination as it is a crack of dawn. Think back to your college days of kegs and eggs on the back porch of some beat-up college house. Times were always good. Times are always good at LiqrBox.
LiqrBox will be taking their Irish celebration to a whole new level this Chicago St. Patrick’s Day. With an unparalleled light show, a wide range of table selections, and multiple floors of pure madness, giving all in attendance an “out-of-the-box” experience for the #1 party day in Chicago.
Interested in locking in LiqrBox for your St. Patrick’s Day plans? Check out the ticketing and table packages via the link below and contact the information provided with any additional inquiries for larger group bookings.
LiqrBox for St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago is as sure a bet as a “Wat the Hook Gon Be?” spinning loudly at 2am
The Fine Print
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. NO PURCHASE REFUNDS. All Sales are Final and there will be No Refunds for any reason whatsoever. Much like a sporting event, performing arts, or concert ticket… tickets are transferable and may be used by anyone (in the case you can no longer attend). This includes the risks and associated occurrences of the global “covid” pandemic.
This is a private event. Guests must have a ticket to enter. Valid ID required. Must be 21 years of age. Venue reserves the right to refuse service for any patron at venue discretion. Please drink responsibly; consumption will be monitored by venue staff. Packages are compliant with state of Illinois regulations. Neither Venue or Green Curtain Events is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Buying tickets and gathering are at patrons’ own risk.