Damn, NYC, Autumn sure does look good on you!
Look, we can complain about the end of Summer all we want, but when it comes to the seasons, everyone knows that New York City thrives in the fall. From the fashion to the food and everything in between, Autumn is truly the best time to be a New Yorker.
So take a nice, deep breath of that fresh Fall air, here are 6 reasons Autumn is New York’s best season:
Those Leaves

I know that it’s cliche, but Fall leaves truly are amazing. And with Central Park, Prospect Park and the New York Botanical Gardens all within reach, New Yorkers have one of the best views of that changing foliage. Not only is the crunch of falling leaves suuuuper satisfying, but they also make for great photo-ops. #DoItForTheGram
That Weather

Personally, I have had enough of New Yokers pretending that they enjoy the Summer weather. Southerners may balk, but May through September in the city is unbearably warm, ridiculously humid and quite frankly smelly as hell. With the beginning of Fall comes that perfect crisp feel that makes standing in a cramped subway car finally bearable.
The Clothes

From flannels to sweatpants, Fall clothes are the absolute best. And what with New York Fashion Week in September, Autumn is the perfect time to show off your new, cozier style. There’s just something about a giant plaid scarf or fuzzy socks that instantly cheer you up, and October-November in New York presents the perfect opportunity.
These Dishes

Hot Chocolate. Pumpkin Pie. Sweet Potatoes. Mashed Potatoes.
Are you feeling hungry yet? Don’t get me wrong, I love popsicles as much as the next girl, but there is truly nothing better than Autumn food in New York City. Tuck into your favorite dishes at any number of amazing restaurants and/or use the colder weather as an opportunity to stay in and learn to cook for yourself. Either way, Autumn in NYC is certainly the time to eat up – bathing suit body be dammed!
That Holiday

You know which one I’m talking about.
Halloween is the perfect mixture of dress-up, make believe, party and nostalgia to keep New Yorker’s entertained for the entire month of October. From the East Village Halloween Parade to any number of amazing balls going on downtown, Halloween in New York is like no other holiday I know. If you wanna learn more about what to do this All Hallows Eve, hit up our Ultimate Halloween Guide 2017.
Are you excited yet? Autumn in NY is one of a kind and should be experienced at least once.
Was your fav not listed? Let us know what it was in the comments below!