Introductions… They’re great. We love ’em. But sometimes, we know you’d rather just get down to business. Instead of clobbering you in the head with the Chicago Marathon Encyclopedia like everyone else, we’ve broken it down into four quick categories of vital info: How to track runners, what to do if you’re participating, a map with parking info, and some fun facts. Everyone loves fun facts.
Chicago Marathon by the Numbers:
254 Million – The amount of revenue (in dollars) generated by last year’s marathon
1.7 Million – The amount of spectators who flock to watch the marathon annually
42,279 – The total number of race participants
13,000 – The total number of volunteers who donate their time to the race experience
195 – The total number of charity partners for the event
1.27 – The amount of worth gained (in dollars) per $1 spent by each race participant throughout Chicago
How to Track a Runner
There’s a page for Runner Tracking on the Chicago Marathon website, and this allows you to get updates on friends & family every 5 kilometers as they go along. It will also allow you to see the current leaderboard, although complete information on this won’t be released until the week of the event. Keep checking back for more info.
If You’re Participating in the Race…
Odds are you’re quite prepared, and you already know exactly what you’re going to be doing down the minute in terms of preparation and race info, but it’s quite alright if you don’t. Here’s a link to the Marathon’s official site with all of the participant info.
There is one thing we’re guessing you didn’t know though, the 27th Mile Post-Race Party in Grant Park offers a free 312 Urban Wheat Ale to all race participants. And if you’re really soaking in the glory of your substantial victory in the battle against fatigue, you can head over to any Goose Island location, Park Grill in Millennium Park, or the Hard Rock Café to claim an additional beer compliments of the Genie!
Well, not really… but it’s still free.
Course Map
Even if you have nothing at all to do with the race, it’s important to know the route for travel purposes. All of our featured parking garages will remain open for the marathon, but the cheapest and best location is Interpark’s South Loop garage. They’re offering All-Day Parking for just $19 on the day of the event. You can reserve a spot online at If that doesn’t work for you, check out our parking map to find the best location for whatever you need.