Creatives Naté Allen and Amber Snearl felt a fierce obligation to redefine the mental health narrative within their community. Advancing with the incentive that “being well is being alive,” the ladies jumpstarted Black Girls Love Art, a pop-up series working vigorously to partner emerging artists, local businesses, mental health advocates, and art lovers alike to uplift and educate each other on the importance of health and wellness. And now, Black Girls Love Art is debuting a Wellness Matters Showcase, curated by the successful music blogger, model, and Creative Director, Alexander Sadé.
What to Expect
On March 30, from 6 – 9 pm, at 2105 West Division, come out and enjoy a Wellness Matters Showcase, featuring impeccable artwork and dope performances. Combining a mixture of various artistries, expect to witness stunning spoken word performances, musical acts, live painting, DJ sets, Wellness discussions, original art and more. Mingle with some savvy individuals about entrepreneurship and industry knowledge. BYOB.

Working as an advocate for mental health, this event not only brings awareness to a significant topic, but it also provides space for the underrepresented in the mental health debate.
“It’s that unspoken issue amongst our families,” Co-founder of Black Girls Love Art, Nate Allen states, “that elephant in the room that no one addresses… that topic that we struggle to delve into. It’s time to start the conversation and find comfort in using our resources. The silent suffering ends here.”
Studies show that anxiety is 20% more prevalent for Black women than their White counterparts. Yet, black women are less likely to be viewed as anxious or depressed. Despite their targeted audience, Wellness Matters is open and available to all ethnicities and gender. Everyone is highly encouraged to attend!
Tickets are only $20. A portion of proceeds will go to Hope For the Day, a non-profit, Chicago-based organization that focuses on Suicide Prevention.