There’s a certain reputation that comes with being a New Yorker, and to be honest, it’s not particularly flattering. Yes, NY residents are often stereotyped as pushy, rude, overbearing and social-climbing – but is all that really true?
Here at UrbanMatter, we took it into our hands to find out. Here’s our analysis of some of some of the most common New York clichés:
We’re Rude

Okay, okay, we get it: New Yorkers are pushy on public transport, don’t say hi on the street and completely ignore traffic signals. But I’m not so sure that that makes us “rude” per-say. Personally, I choose to color us as “assertive” or “ambitious.” But to each his own, I guess.
We’re Competitive

Most people move to NYC to follow their dreams, so much so that some New Yorkers focus entirely on beating out the competition. So, sure, the culture in this city may be pretty dog-eat-dog, but what can I say, sometimes you have to be relentless to make it big.
We Never Stop Working

For the most part this one might be true, New Yorkers spend a lot of their time at the daily grind. But don’t be fooled, while we do work hard, there is no doubt in my mind that we party wayyyy harder.
We’re All Rich

New York is one of the most expensive cities in America, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who lives here is rolling in cash. Actually, I think you’ll find that the vast majority of New Yorkers are scraping by just like you – although we often do a pretty good job at hiding it.
We Think We’re Better Than You

I mean, what can you say when you live in the best city in the world? We have amazing food, great nightlife, awesome public transportation and some of the most beautiful urban views around. How can you not be cocky when you live in NYC?
We Have an Obnoxiously Thick Accent

Alright – this one we’ll admit is totally true. I mean, who doesn’t pronounce the “h” in “humans”? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So, my fellow New Yorkers, what did you think of our list? Do you think we live up to our bad rep? Let us know in the comments.