You’ve Never Seen a Night Sky Like This in NYC

SKYGLOWPROJECT.COM : NYC from Harun Mehmedinovic on Vimeo.


What’s the cost of living in a big city (besides outrageous apartment prices)? Missing the stars, some might say.

To fully embrace our gorgeous night sky, most people trek to more rural, desolate areas where dark sky reserves offer expansive, unobstructed views of the heavens. But thanks to timelapse wizards Harun Mehmedinovic and Gavin Heffernan, New Yorkers can get a glimpse of what a light pollution-free night sky would look like in NYC. In recognition of Dark Sky Week, from April 15 – 21, treat yourself to this eye-catching video.


You’ll see traffic speeding across bridges, Times Square ads rapidly flickering, glowing skyscraper antennas, office lights turning on and off, and pedestrians taking late-night strolls. All typical scenes in the Big Apple. Yet it’s the backdrop that steals the show, where incredibly bright stars are magnified with the dazzling effect of timelapse, the earth revolves at hyper speed, and iconic buildings like the Empire State and Chrysler Building pale in comparison to the clear, luminous celestial plane.

This cosmic experience was shot on a Canon 5DIV, and goes to show that there are amazing things to see when the lights are out.


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