This Unbelievable Timelapse Video Truly Captures the NYC Experience

A Taste of New York from FilmSpektakel on Vimeo.


Get  ‘A Taste of New York’ with a timelapse video unlike any other. Capturing 65,000 photos in just 10 days, FilmSpektakel travels through New York City at hyper-speed, with extreme, rapid zooms into landmarks and back out again into bird’s eye views of the marvelous cityscape. From day to night, from fast-paced to tranquil, the video smoothly transitions from scene to scene with impressive fluidity. With a unique point of view, it almost feels like you’re there experiencing Times Square, Grand Central Terminal, Fifth Avenue, the New York Harbor and every other essential aspect of New York. The sights and enhanced sounds of chatter, cars and taxis whizzing by, honks, sirens, trains, and more, make it especially vivid.

Ever wanted to try a burger, canoe in Central Park, or watch the sunset from the Empire State Building? You can do it all in this three-minute video. The possibilities are truly endless in the city that never sleeps.


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