Feminism is everywhere. It’s permeated our culture from our art to our clothing, our TV screens to our literature. It’s flooded social media with its demand for change and it’s been floating through the art world for decades.
One of the artists best known for her feminist artwork is Judy Chicago, who has been named this year’s Visionary at the Museum of Contemporary Art.
The MCA has invited Chicago to speak about her role as the forerunner of the feminist art movement as well as in art education. Throughout the course of her life, Chicago participated in projects like the collaborative art installation called Womanhouse, which was staged in an abandoned Hollywood mansion. Her work heavily features birth and creation images that often examine the role of women throughout history and in our culture. She will hopefully discuss where that work lands in today’s art world and throughout feminist culture as a whole.

The event will take place at noon on Tuesday, April 30th at The Standard Club. There will be a reception prior to the luncheon where Judy will mingle with guests.
Proceeds from this year’s event will go to the MCA Women’s Board, an organization that is committed to creating learning experiences and opportunities through art as well as art programming at the museum. This includes family and adolescent programs as well as immersive experiences for guests of the museum.
Last year, the luncheon honored legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz. A visionary in her field, she spoke of her decades-long career and how her personal life was rich with influence over her work. She discussed the relationship she shared with writer and political activist Susan Sontag and how that played into her work. Throughout the presentation, she pulled up iconic photos and explained the process that went into each one. It was a riveting hour of a life well-lived and creatively explored.
We can only hope for the same sort of brilliance from Judy Chicago.
Ticket information can be found here!

Featured photo courtesy of Judy Chicago.