About the International Museum of Surgical Science
Built by the International College of Surgeons to commemorate the history of worldwide surgical knowledge, the International Museum of Surgical Science is an attraction in Gold Coast. The museum showcases over 7,000 medical artifacts related to the history of surgical procedures. Some of the notable pieces include an amputation saw from the 1500s and original X-rays from 1910. From acupuncture to high-tech procedures, the International Museum of Surgical Science has it all. The museum features a memorable set of 12 murals illustrating some of the most important surgeons in history. It’s an underrated Chicago destination, especially for those with an interest in the medical field.

Check It Out
1524 N Lake Shore Dr.
Chicago, IL 60610
Hours of Operation:
M-F 9:30 AM-5 PM, Sat-Sun 10 AM-5 PM