2015 Chicago Pride Parade Photos & Recap

It’s been an eventful past few days for the LGBT community, and “eventful” is putting it pretty mildly. Of course it all began with the big news of the Supreme Court decision to allow same-sex marriage in all 50 states. Justice Kennedy delivered the majority opinion with a beautifully articulated, resounding opinion that will be cited for years to come.



Chicago Pride Parade



This is the kind of thing that sends shivers up your spine. With those strikingly decisive yet beautiful words, Justice Kennedy has taken our breath away.

And that was just the beginning. I’m sure it wasn’t all that much of a coincidence that this decision was reached before the annual pride parades swept across the nation, and it marked a truly momentous celebration unlike any of the others. Instead of focusing on pride, the primary concentration was on winning the battle for equal rights. The word “Victory” could be seen everywhere you looked. Crowds were radiating joy, with cheers echoing throughout the streets. It was wonderful, it was groundbreaking, and best of all, it was another large step in the fight for equality.



Chicago Pride Parade Chicago Pride Parade Chicago Pride Parade Chicago Pride Parade


Even the Stanley Cup made an appearance on its own float!

Chicago Pride Parade
