In recent years, the revenge film has become a lost art. Recent entries like Peppermint or The Rhythm Section has been disappointing both critically and commercially and the…

In recent years, the revenge film has become a lost art. Recent entries like Peppermint or The Rhythm Section has been disappointing both critically and commercially and the…
Although the year 2021 is still relatively fresh, we’ve already been treated to a character study of historical proportions. From first-time director Regina King, the Oscar winner focuses…
Several months ago, I did a dive into the films of 1995 and how we can still feel the DNA of that year even today. However, in this…
The year 2020 has been largely devoid of major blockbusters. The closest thing we got to one prior to every major release getting delayed was Bad Boys for…
There are few films that live in the pantheon of truly great holiday films but one of them is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Its story of script to…
The legacy and impact of The Godfather cannot be overstated. It is a classic story of the rise and fall of a criminal family featuring amazing performances from…
During times of unrest, it’s natural to want to look back and long for nostalgia. It’s the reason why we’ve seen long gone television shows get a reunion/reboot…
Over the past ten years, we’ve seen a resurgence of the horror genre and the person most responsible for this renaissance of the macabre is producer Jason Blum…
Isn’t everyone glad this election cycle is over? Well, some people aren’t but it is what it is at this point. For the majority for us, though, we…
In a year that can only be summed up with a meme of a dumpster fire, the film industry has taken some pretty monumental hits in 2020 and…