6 Austin, Texas Stereotypes that Are 100 Percent True

Every city is going to have stereotypes that are true – though we may not always like to admit them – and more often, stereotypes that are definitely inaccurate. However, those true Austin stereotypes don’t have to be bad things! These are some great stereotypes every Austinite will find themselves guilty of.


In Austin, if our dog (or even our cat) can’t come along – we’re not going. It’s not uncommon to see pets coming on shopping trips, your pupper has to approve your new fit, after all, they have to be seen with you. You’ll also see pets with their own chair at the table on restaurant patios, we promise it’s normal.


Austin is one of those places where you’ll go to a coffee shop, see a wall of beer, and temporarily become confused cause you didn’t think you’d gone to a brewery. Before you know it you’ll be trying out that newly released beer from the microbrewery in the back, at 10 AM.


The hipster movement basically started in Austin, though we have some stiff competition from Portland. Hipsters thrive in Austin, because if we’re honest, all of us are hipsters in our own way. We love finding music, clothes, and cool little places to hang out – like Epoch coffee – that are totally off the beaten path. 


It’s true, we live and die by tacos, and not just classic ones, there’s taco-and-“insert-cuisine”-fusion for days. Tacos for breakfast, for lunch, dinner – you need a midnight snack? Tacos. It’s hard to say what came first, the food trucks or the love of tacos, but we know for sure that obsession won’t stop anytime soon.


Let’s face it, Austin is a cool city and people are pretty proud to live here. But it goes a step further. A bit like a unicorn these days, are the people that were actually born here – and trust us, you’ll know… cause they’ll bring it up every time they meet someone living in Austin who wasn’t.

Pretty weird

Yeah, we’re pretty weird, it’s not just the city slogan. People in Austin like to live like no one is watching, so if you are watching – you may see some pretty strange behaviors. But that’s just part of living in this fabulously weird city!

 Featured Image Credit: Kim Broomhall from Pixabay

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