230+ Businesses Sign Petition Saying It’s Too Soon to Reopen Arizona

With so much uncertainty and misinformation surrounding COVID-19, it’s understandable to be torn between what is the “right and wrong” thing to do during the pandemic. Though we still don’t know much about COVID-19, we do understand viruses and how they spread. We should be using this prior knowledge to propel us into a better future—even if that means being uncomfortable while we learn.

With so little information on the new virus, and without any way to fight it, the threat won’t just disappear. It requires societal action. A group of 230+ restaurateurs, chefs, bar-owners, and service providers have all signed a petition that will keep their diners and shops closed, after what they believe is “too soon” for Arizona to operate as usual again. You can find the petition here.

For the sake of their employees and the public—despite the financial strain that quarantine is taking on everyone—these brave business leaders are doing what they believe to be best for their communities, for their families, and for the good of the country.

Many of the businesses on the list are still open and available for takeout, curbside pickup, or delivery, so you can still enjoy all your favorite shops and cuisines if they joined the petition. A name on this petition means you won’t be able to visit that restaurant for dine-in just yet.

During these unsettling times of not knowing what the future will hold, it’s best to ensure we all do our part to support our community. Whether that is closing our businesses, abiding by the six-foot rule, or just staying at home. Turning against one another in these times is the worst possible reaction. We need to stand tall, admit our lack of knowledge, and band together to do what is best for all with the information we already have. This petition is an example of the Phoenician strength to overcome any obstacle with which we are facing. Stay strong; stay safe, Arizona.