Tips to Relieve Stress By Some Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Stress can play havoc on your health if not dealt with properly. However, a healthy lifestyle can reduce your stress and restore the equilibrium of your body. 

While most people are too busy to look after their mental health and manage their everyday stress, they don’t realize the importance of doing it until it’s late. Every one of us experiences stress. We face it in all aspects of our life, and in itself, it isn’t always that bad because we can use it for our benefit to reboot. Stress can be a great motivator to work under pressure, and life wouldn’t be the same without it. But anything, if experienced at an overwhelming level, can harm us instead of doing good. 

Nonetheless, it doesn’t take a professional intervention to combat our daily stress. All it needs is some self-care, which we are going to discuss in this article. This self-care involves building healthy habits and bringing positive changes to our daily life to improve our emotional and physical health. Furthermore, it helps to reduce stress levels, and actively take a role in helping yourself and make positive improvements each day, to better the chances of living a joyful life. 

Today, brands like Organifi are working diligently to raise awareness about a healthy lifestyle. Now some may ask, does Organifi work? Well, in that case, the least you can do is try them yourself to find if they are any good. Without further ado, let us take a nosedive to educate ourselves on how to control our stress and get our mind in fine fettle. 

Make sure you get enough rest 

When you lack proper sleep, it gets tough to cope with stress. Moreover, stress can prevent you from getting a sound sleep and can keep you awake. Sleeping well is the first step to ensure since it directly affects your physical and mental health, not to mention your quality of life. Here are some recommendations to get good sleep:

  • Avoid going to bed with an empty stomach because this can lead to discomfort. 
  • Start tracking your sleep cycle and try to stick with a schedule of going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day. 
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks after mid-day and don’t take such beverages more than twice a day. 
  • Prepare an environment ideal for sleeping by keeping it dark, cool, and quiet. 
  • Try not to think about your concerns and worries before bedtime. Listen to soothing music or read a book to distract yourself from your thoughts. 
  • Don’t go to sleep right after having dinner, get some time to relax and wind up before going to bed. 

Start working out 

There is no alternative to exercise for staying healthy in life. Regular physical activity like running, walking, jogging, or playing sports can lift your mood and distract you from your concerns. In addition, it is a great way to relieve tension and stress. While sit-ups are tortures, there is no better way to improve your overall physical and mental health. Make a habit of exercising regularly for 30 minutes a day for the most benefit, but it’s okay to start rolling gradually. Below are some tips to get along with a new exercise routine:

  • Start with some free hands exercise every day followed by basic cardio. 
  • Do not rush into increasing your activity level, allow your body to fit in the routine.
  • List the types of exercises and schedule them accordingly, but allow changes to your routine when something comes up. 
  • Increase your exercise level over time as your body starts getting used to the previous sets. 

You are what you eat

It can be difficult to eat well when under stress, but proper nutrition is necessary for your mental well-being. Consuming a nutritious and healthy diet, including gundry md proplant complete shake, is important for our bodies to adapt to the physiological adjustments brought on by stress. Identifying and reducing the cause of stress is a crucial part of dealing with stress. Our adrenaline function is influenced significantly by sugar levels. So, follow these guidelines to boost your energy and mood and also to stabilize levels of sugar in the blood:

  • Learn to prepare simple meals that don’t take much time and energy. Consider eating frozen foods if you live on your own and making food is too much of a hassle for you. 
  • Avoid skipping meals, because it is necessary to eat regular small meals to maintain energy level and mood while reducing tiredness and irritability. 
  • Cook in large quantities and freeze it for later whenever you are in the mood of preparing meals. 
  • Limit caffeine and sugar intake in your body because they lead to a crash in mood and energy. Stimulants like coffee and tea can provide energy temporarily but consuming too much of these drinks may reduce energy levels and deplete nutrients gradually. Consume at least 1-1.5 liters of water each day and make an effort to add herbal teas in place of caffeinated beverages and drinks.
  • Try to have fresh foods more often rather than frozen ones. 
  • Include lean meats and proteins like chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, nuts, seeds, and beans. Prioritize proteins because when under stress your body has increased demand for protein. This protein helps to slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream.  
  • Avoid taking foods with high saturated fat levels.
  • Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables in different colors which usually represents various nutrients required for your body. 
  • Avoid highly processed foods like white bread, chocolate, pasta, biscuits, sweets, or foods with added sugar as much as possible. There are hidden sugars in many cereals, bread, packaged or canned foods. Substitute unrefined foods including brown bread, barley, corn, and oats for processed ones. Bear in mind that excessive alcohol use may contribute to an imbalanced blood sugar level.
  • Choose whole, natural foods and make sure to eat five portions of non-starchy vegetables per day. 
  • Avoid emotional eating when you are stressed. Stress diverts blood flow away from your digestive systems which may cause bloating, gas and makes you prone to discomfort. 
  • Use a food diary to keep track of the food you have regularly.  

Nutrients that will support your adrenal glands include: 

  • Vitamin C is found in most fresh fruits and vegetables. 
  • Magnesium is depleted dramatically when under stress and often shows symptoms like anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia. Include plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and seeds to supply your body with adequate levels of magnesium. 
  • B vitamin is another necessary nutrient to support your adrenal function. Whole grains, seeds, and nuts will help you to meet this deficiency. 

Try avoiding alcohol and drugs

People turn to drugs and alcohol to relieve stress, sadness, or anger. This is a very bad practice because substance use can only worsen your state of mind and trigger anxiety or even depression and eventually make it much harder to recover. 

Be optimistic

Has this ever occurred to you in a similar situation, when one person is seeing the situation as a problem, while another views it as a challenge? Researchers have found that optimistic people maintain higher levels of physical and mental health than those who are pessimistic. 

There’s also a self-fulfilling theory at work here: when a person views an event as a disaster, the event is much more likely to be a crisis, as the individual already has decided to give up until his mind can handle the problem. On the other hand, when a person sees the event as it can be managed with some effort, he is more likely to solve the problem without breaking a sweat. To put it another way, people are influenced to react depending on how they perceive a situation.  

While it is still not clear what enables some people to “see a glass half full” while others “see it half empty” but a person’s outlook may be affected by their feeling of being in control of daily life. People who feel that they are in control are more likely to handle a situation without being stressed. Despite that, it is important to realize when a situation gets out of hand. This will avoid frustration and the best way to cope with such situations is by learning when it is time to let go. 


  • Life is too short to keep worrying about particular events. So try looking at the brighter side in any situation.
  • Be willing to adapt to the situation life throws at you. If something is not in your hands, let it go. Compromise, show compassion, and try to forgive whenever you can to find inner peace. 
  • Take charge of your life and be more assertive. 
  • Avoid procrastination and leaving things that need to be done for the last minute. 
  • Set aside some times for yourself. Listen to music, play sports, read a book or nurture a hobby.
  • Whenever you feel stressed, try to identify the reason at first. This will help you to deal with the issue if you face it again in life. 
  • Take vacations more often and enjoy the little events in life. 
  • Stop overthinking any particular moments that may upset your state of mind. 
  • Avoid taking any substances that may help temporarily but ruin your physical and mental health in the long run. 
  • Eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep every day.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash