Ways for Social Marketers to Avoid Social Media Burnout

Social media can feel overwhelming especially if it is your full-time job. This is a growing concern for content creators, social media influencers, and social managers – how to avoid social media burnout?

Many of them live in lurking fear of receiving work-related notifications when they get back home.

With an average social user spending over 2.5 hours every day, it becomes more important than ever to take a break from your social feeds and shed off the stress.

This blog will give you tips on how to do just that.

What is Social Media burnout?

Burnout is defined as the feeling of depleting energy or exhaustion because of continual stress.

A recent survey found that 98% of respondents experienced burnout in the last year.

If you are tired, disengaged, and not feeling enjoyment in what you are doing, then you might be risking burnout.

Social media burnout is, in the same way, related to feelings of tiredness, exhaustion, disengagement, anxiety, distraction, and being unable to find value in the work.

Social media burnout is directly related to social media addiction. 73% of social media managers say they feel like to be ‘always online’ or they will be left behind.

There are many strategies to gain extraordinary results for your social accounts and take the stress off the table. Smart marketers buy 10000 Instagram story views UK or even more to grow fast on Instagram – the leading social app with high buyer intent.

The more social media you use, the grave the burnout situation you will be pulled in. Using social media during times of social burnout will erode things further.

Social media marketers attribute social media burnout to being connected to workplace conditions. This is why this is termed an ‘occupational phenomenon’ by World Health Organization.

9 Tips to avoid social media burnout

Here are 9 tips you can follow to avoid social media burnout;

Draw boundaries

The world has changed post Covid as we knew it before. With remote jobs rising and working from home becoming the new norm, there is a very thin line between personal and professional lives.

Will you leave your home when your bedroom becomes your office? Every one of us has experienced this. You picked up your phone to check an email notification, and before you could even realize 40 minutes had passed scrolling through your Instagram feed.

Take help from your phone on this. If you are an iPhone user, you may set screen time rules. This will allow you to schedule the away time from the apps that keep pulling you in.

Choosing to avoid receiving social notifications could help in a big way.

Take a break

Many of our colleagues take pride in being good team members and being able to consistently achieve targets.

If you feel the same way, then you might be poised for burnout before you could even realize it and do something.

A few signs of potential social burnout are:

You are feeling emotionally disconnected from your work,

You feel exhausted and drained,

You are dissatisfied with your life,

You feel unsupported, deserted, and underacknowledged,

You have lost sense of purpose in life,

Your work-life balance is suffering.

If you are experiencing any or a few of these warning signs, then it’s time to pull the trigger right away. Take a break from the robotic routine before you are overheated.

Seek support at work

Social marketers and in particular, social media managers have to deal with a lot of stuff on day to day basis – copywriting, graphic designing, social strategy, campaign design, landing page design, social ads campaigns, and whatnot.

Even in the best of times, so much is expected from them which is too much.

Seek help from others at the workplace before you even need it. Talk to your manager, for example, to go on a family vacation and assign your replacement for that period.

Plan for worse

Every popular social account and brand has faced backlash at least once from social media users. It’s almost inevitable.

To guard yourself against these surprises, you need to plan what would be your plan of action to tackle that.

A well-thought social media response policy will not help you avoid burnout, it makes your brand shine out in averse times as well.

Focus on self-care

Don’t underestimate the power of self-care. You can not avoid burnout with a mere swap of bad workplace habits with good ones. You need more than that.

Bringing self-care into your daily routines can help you feel relaxed and poised.

You should slice some time from your normal day to keep yourself working all day long when you don’t feel like it.

Say no to hustling

Unfortunately enough, hustle is the new culture that has been aggressively promoted not only on social media but throughout the corporate workplaces as well.

The notion is that you might be left behind if you don’t overwork your competitors.

A 2020 survey showed that 73% of millennials worked more than 40 hours per week. On average people worked 2 more hours daily after the Covid pandemic crisis.

WHO research has found this hustle culture to be damaging not only to our mental health, it causes premature deaths, heart diseases, and diabetes. If you have a brand or you are a social marketer, then Instagram can bring huge results for you. A lot of businesses buy 5 Instagram comments UK for a little increase in engagement on their posts without getting noticed, which will attract more hearts to them and grow their reach as well.

While you should not burn out yourself by posting on every social channel, you would not want to skip Instagram either.

Stay focused

On average, Americans spend 6 hours daily checking their emails.

In a survey, 9 of 10 respondents said they check emails at home, while 4 of 10 people said they do so in the bathrooms.

Social marketers and managers feel the same pull to constantly check the stats on how the posts are performing.

Here are a few tips to avoid this social distraction and stay focused;

  • Schedule uninterrupted time in which you will only focus on things that matter,
  • Focus on one thing at a time. Starting your day with the most challenging task will help you make more little wins as the day pass by,
  • Make your meetings short. Scheduling 25 minutes meetings will help you deal with more tasks than with long time-waster sittings.

Gauge outcomes

It is a wise strategy to focus on results and not hours spent.

As the remote work culture flourished in 2019 and afterward, more people started working remotely. But the problem is that they are pushed to work under more stress while they are digitally monitored with the monitoring software.

Smart marketers often buy 10 Instagram comments UK for a quick and slight change in their progress and look at the results they are achieving to check which tactics are paying off well.

Take rest

We are victims of this more often. After a long work day, when it’s time to finally lay in bed, you would pick up your phone and start scrolling through TikToks or Instagram Reels.

A simple trick is to use an alarm clock and leave your phone outside your bedroom. This will avoid these last-hour distractions normally termed as “revenge bedtime procrastination”.

Final Words

While social marketers are constantly being pulled to be omnipresent and posting everywhere, things can go bad very quickly.

We have discussed 9 tips that could help with social media burnout. Don’t always stress out about the numbers, focus on taking breaks and looking at other aspects of your life as well.