The Many Uses of Cannabis

Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years as a treatment for many medical conditions and is now the subject of much research because it contains chemicals which show medical promise.

Medical Cannabis

Medical cannabis can help with nausea, loss of appetite, pain, insomnia, arthritis, and even depression. It can also help to reduce tremors and spasms caused by conditions like multiple sclerosis.

Medical cannabis can be taken in many forms, including smoking, vaporizing and ingesting through food, e.g. oil or butter in baking or tea. It can be used to make homemade edibles (cannabis-infused foods).

Although medical cannabis is legal in some states in America, its use remains controversial. Opponents say that it is addictive and can impair memory, judgment, coordination and reaction time. Supporters point out that there are no recorded cases of fatal cannabis overdose.

Cannabis for Business

It can be used in the construction industry to build insulation panels, which are fire resistant and also soundproofing materials! It’s naturally pest resistant, so it can be used in the agricultural industry to make textiles or clothing.

It can also be used for artistic purposes in fashion design, in the furniture industry and to make hempcrete which is a more environmentally friendly concrete!

Cannabis Science

Studies have shown that cannabis has lots of health benefits. It can be used to treat the symptoms of cancer, epilepsy and there are signs that it can prevent Alzheimers.

It has even been shown to kill cancer cells! It only kills bad cells (that come from cancer) harming no healthy cells, which is why this plant is so amazing!

Best Buds

Cannabis can also be used recreationally. It’s the most commonly used drug in the world, with up to 500 million people using it every year!

It makes people feel relaxed and happy. Some people claim that while they are high, their creativity skyrockets and they come up with great ideas for new inventions or designs.

And because you can’t overdose on cannabis, it’s a pretty safe drug.

On the other side of the coin, even though many people use this drug, there are still negative effects. It can reduce your motivation and make you lazy. Some people also experience anxiety or paranoia while they’re high – which is why, if you want to try it out, it’s best to try it with a friend.

How to ingest

When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are three primary methods. You can smoke it, drink infused beverages, or eat edibles. Recent studies concluded that smoking is the least effective method. Edibles provide a more intense high, but they also take longer to produce effects, which means you need to wait an hour before enjoying yourself for the first time.


The easiest method is to smoke it, but smoking isn’t the best way to get a high from cannabis. The drug enters your bloodstream through your lungs, which means that when you inhale, THC hits the brain in seconds. However, when you ingest edibles or drink infused beverages, it can take up to a few hours for the drug to reach your brain.

Drinking and Eating Cannabis

The effects of edibles and other infused beverages can take up to two hours to reach their peak, while smoking reaches its peak in about five minutes. Eating or drinking cannabis produces a high that lasts from four to eight hours. You must be careful when you eat cannabis because the effects can be stronger and more pronounced, especially if you eat a large dose of it.

Aroma Is Important

Cannabis has a distinct aroma, and most people enjoy this smell. However, it’s hard to be discreet when smelling of weed. Therefore, they use vaporizers to inhale the drug without producing smoke. Vaporizing devices heat cannabis at low temperatures and release the taste of the flower while keeping harmful chemicals out of your system.


Cannabis is a versatile plant. In the wild, it can grow into a tree that’s over seven feet tall. However, when you raise marijuana indoors, they stay short and produce lots of flowers with minimal effort from the cultivator.

Cannabis is grown from seeds or cuttings in soil, but if you want to control its taste, get the hydroponic herb kit. This cuts out soil so that growers can dose their product with nutrients. When growing cannabis indoors, the cultivator should control light exposure to prevent hermaphrodites, which are males that produce flowers.


Cannabis is a very useful plant that can be used in many ways. Using cannabis dates back centuries, and it has only increased with time. Because of its versatility, there are endless uses for cannabis.

Thank you for reading!

Photo by Shelby Ireland on Unsplash