Struggling To Fund Fall Plans? Here’s How You Can!

You either get excited over summer plans, or you prefer the cool embrace of the winter months. It goes without saying that if you love the summer, you’ll look forward to doing anything that involves getting outdoors and making the most of the summer. But when fall comes around, people turn into a whole new level of plan makers. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and all of the start of college parties make fall one of the most celebrated seasons, after Christmas, of course. 

Typically, after the summer month plans, money is not in abundance. If you have multiple plans this fall but have no money, here’s how you can still have fun without the season wasting away.

Cryptocurrency Investments

Cryptocurrency investments are an excellent way of side-hustling your way into more money. The beauty of it is, anyone can do it and make money. In 2020, there was a cryptocurrency scandal in which a Reddit feed went viral instructing everyone to buy stock of a cheap games developer, GameStop. 

Those from Reddit refused to sell their stocks which, in turn, drove the price of it to crazy heights, creating short squeezes of money for investors before it eventually stopped. It was a cunning plan that worked for a short amount of time.

To begin your crypto investing journey, you first need to decide how much money you want to invest. Thankfully, you don’t need a lot of money to get the ball rolling. Most people start investing with $1000 or more, but some people start with less. The more you put in, the more likely you are to get more out, but the more risk the investment carries. Only invest the money you can afford to lose. 

Then, settle on the cryptocurrency you want to invest in. Bitcoin is by far the most popular trading cryptocurrency. It is the most reliable, and there are the most research and self-help articles related to it. Find a platform that suits your trading need, check out eToro and Coinbase to see how they differ, and start trading. If you need advice on how to trade cryptocurrency properly, check out this article.

Quick Cash Injections

Sometimes you don’t have the time to sit around and make money. If you have plans this fall that you know you can’t pull out of, but you know you won’t have the money to fund, quick cash injections are the most viable option. Short term loans are a great way to have money in your bank fast to help you during your time of need. 

Shop around and find a loan with a short interest rate and try and pay it back as soon as you can. The longer you leave it, the more interest your loan will gain, and you’ll end up having to pay more back. Loans are great for covering these circumstances:

  • Household Bills
  • Vacations
  • Car fixes
  • Shopping

Short term loans work best as a helping hand rather than something you’re frequently accessing. There are plenty of free financial helplines that offer impartial advice to anyone struggling with money. 

Start A Blog

Starting a blog is a great way to earn money and discover a new hobby – and it’s easy to do. Bloggers can make thousands a month, but it obviously takes a while to get to that point. Successful bloggers secure brand deals, use blogger outreach services, and receive gifts all the time.

There’s a big difference between how easy it is to break into the blogging industry compared to vlogging. It is much harder to grow a successful vlog than it is a blog because vlogging requires more time and editing skills; better ideas, trends need to be followed. Blogging is a space where you can be creative when talking about your own life and life experiences. Readers fall in love with your journey through the words that you write. 

You can set up a blog by picking a domain name and hosting, using a free website template builder to construct your blog, and use platforms such as WordPress to publish, edit, and upload to your blog. Those were simple terms, but you’ll soon see that setting up a blog is super easy. Check out this guide if you want to learn more.


Dropshipping is more of a business venture, but it is still one you can do on the side of your regular day job. Dropshipping involves creating an e-commerce store using a free website template builder and thinking of products you would like to sell. Once you have decided on a niche you can think about connecting with a third-party supplier. All you need to do to find a supplier is Google third-party dropshipping suppliers.

You then have to market your website and the products you’re selling to generate customers. When they order through your website, you’ll get a notification. The money from the sale can then be used to pay a third-party supplier who stocks the product to ship it to the customer. It’s a genius fulfilment model that works.

Those are some easy ways to put money in your bank before the months of fall come around. Starting a business or a side hustle doesn’t have to be complicated and nor does borrowing money to fund a short term need. What are your plans for the fall?

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash