How to Reset Unhealthy Habits For Outer and Inner Beauty

Some people believe beauty to be limited to the skin, but research has proven that it may actually come from within. True beauty isn’t simply about lotions, potions, and creams, make-up on your face, or having a perfectly balanced facial structure. What also counts are personal qualities, such as poise, infectious enthusiasm, passion, humour, and intellect. Unless the discussion is about supermodels, rarely are the words BMI, pounds, and bone structure mentioned when you’re talking about a person’s beauty.

Before we delve into which habits you need to change, let’s pause for a moment to talk about the importance of feeling good. Engaging in activities you enjoy will make you feel good without even having to think about it. Just consider when you’re watching your favourite movie, starting that new hobby you’ve been putting off, playing your favourite video or online casino game, starting off with an online casino bonus, you’re doing something you enjoy. Now it’s time to look at four bad habits you’ll need to change to improve both your inner beauty and outer glow.

  • Stop Focusing on What You Don’t Have

It’s easy to consider all those things you wish you had but don’t. Maybe your hair isn’t as perfect as you’d like it to be or you’re waiting and waiting for that career break you long for. While you should absolutely set and focus on goals, you shouldn’t focus on what you don’t have to the point where you feel disappointed all the time. It will prevent you from feeling happy and adversely affect your self-confidence.

This is certainly true of your physical appearance. Rather than spending so much time being critical of any perceived flaws, make sure to acknowledge those features you like about yourself.

  • Stop With the Bad Posture

A confident person is considered more attractive. Those who exhibit confidence also say this about themsleves. When you sit or stand straight, with your chest open and shoulders back, your body is telling you that you’re self-assured and feel good about yourself.  A good posture also makes you appear slimmer and taller.

  • Don’t Frown

While there are moments when this would be impossible, by forcing your facial muscles to smile, you can actually boost your mood instantly. Just make sure to do more than simply activate the lift muscles. You’ll also want to lift your eyes and cheeks.

A smiling face is considered to be more attractive than a non-smiling face. A broad smile will both make you feel and appear more attractive, as well as create positive feedback for whatever activity you’re engaging in.

  • Don’t Be Unkind (Including to Yourself)

In some industries, and in certain cities, just heading out to work can make you feel like you’re competing in a beauty contest. So many around you are dressed to impress, and you just can’t help but compete with those that make an impression on you, as well as look down on anyone who you feel is beneath you.

Rather than being a slave to such feelings, which can result in stress, less smiling, and reduced self-confidence, focus on what you like about yourself, and then do the same to others. Women who appreciate beauty without making it competitive consider it an extension of how they feel inside and are more likely considered more attractive on the outside. 

  • Conclusion

Both inner and outer beauty count. Beauty isn’t simply about how much you weigh or the right hair products for your curly hair. Feeling good about yourself matters will reflect in how you look, and in turn, make you feel more attractive.

Photo by Tamarcus Brown on Unsplash