How To Keep Your Office Clean All Year Round

In business, first impressions matter, especially if you want to retain customers and attract new ones. One way to do that is to maintain a pristine office. A clean and well-organized office creates a positive image of your brand/business from the client’s perspective. It shows that your organization pays attention to details and that each individual genuinely cares about their working conditions. 

But given that everyone in the company has their own responsibilities and tasks, the thought of keeping the office clean is sometimes overlooked and left at the bottom of the daily to-do checklist. Most people won’t notice until their workplace is too cluttered and messy.  

This article offers a few practical tips to keep your office clean all year round and maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone. 

  • Pay Attention To The High-Traffic Areas In Your Office

Which rooms in the building are considered high-traffic areas? This could be the main lobby, office cabins, pantries, employee lockers, or any room always filled with people. Pay attention to these spots in your office and clean high-traffic areas twice. For example, you can dust and sweep the main lobby every day before opening hours and after closing hours.   

If cleaning these high-traffic areas daily seems impossible, especially if these rooms are expansive, consider hiring a strata cleaning service. Strata cleaning professionals can deep clean the building at least once every week and focus on high-traffic and high-touch areas. They can sweep, dust, vacuum, and scrub when necessary.  

Ultimately, you get to save time and effort, and your employees can focus on other essential things and leave the deep cleaning to professionals. 

  • Keep Your Desk Clean And Clutter-Free

Even if you’ve hired a strata cleaning service, there are other areas that no one else can clean but yourself, such as your workspace. Each employee has their own desk, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep it clean and clutter-free as regularly as possible. 

A messy desk can adversely impact your productivity, as clutter can be a huge distraction. Plus, it gives others the impression that you don’t have your priorities aligned. 

So, keep your desk clean and clutter-free with these tips below: 

  • Be minimalist and reduce your office items. Store away or get rid of the things you don’t always use every day, such as displayed picture frames, books, calendars, food, and drinks.  
  • Use drawers to store office supplies that you occasionally use. 
  • Use less paper and digitally store your things, documents, and other vital files. 
  • When you have a project, finish it on the same day to avoid piling unfinished tasks on your desk. 

After using your pens, folders, or books, return them to their proper location or storage. This way, the surface will look cleaner and more organized. On top of that, it’ll be easier for you to maintain a clean desk. Wiping with a clean cloth and a spray cleaner will be enough to keep your work area sparkling and clutter-free.

  • Clean And Sanitize IT Equipment And Other Technology

One of the most touched areas or items in the office is your IT equipment, including your computer, telephone, tablet, photocopier, and scanner. These items can quickly harbor bacteria since they’re frequently used, increasing the risk of spreading bacteria to other staff. 

Thus, you must clean and sanitize your equipment every morning before you sit down and work for the day. You may use a clean cloth and alcohol or sanitizing wipes to remove dust and dirt.  

You should also avoid eating and drinking at your desk. You could leave some leftover crumbs or tiny splashes of drink on your keyboard, telephone keys, or mouse.  

  • Place Slip-Free Rugs Or Carpets On The Entryway

Dust and dirt don’t only come from employees, but they can also come from customers coming in and out of the building. One way to minimize dirt is to place slip-free rugs or carpets in the entryway. These will help scrub off the mud from shoes and catch falling dirt from coats and pants when people walk in. They should be swept or vacuumed at least twice daily to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating and spreading through the air.  

However, it’s best not to depend on rugs and carpets to keep your entryway clean. Clean the area by sweeping the entryway floors and sanitizing the door knobs and handles. 

  • Do Regular Floor Care

Among the first things people notice when entering an office is the cleanliness of the space or the sparkliness of the floor. When your floor is spotless, most people will get the impression that the place is well-maintained. On the other hand, if the floor is rough with dirt and stain, people think your business is disorganized.  

So, don’t forget to pay attention to regular floor care. Every morning, before opening hours, sweep or vacuum the floor and then mop it with water and a cleaning solution. Don’t forget to include the rugs and carpets. 

Or you can do the floor cleaning after closing hours, so the floor will be prepared the next morning. You can also do a quick sweep and mop during lunch breaks when no customers are around. During weekends or closing days of your office, you can schedule a deep office cleaning with other employees. 

Key Takeaway

A clean office makes employees and customers happy and comfortable. With these handy tips, you can keep the office spotless all year round. 

Remember that office cleaning is never a one-person job. So, plan with your staff or coworkers and hire professional cleaners to help maintain cleanliness in your work environment.