How to Get Cast in a Movie with Your Car

Every movie needs background actors and extras to make scenes more lively and realistic. While the pay could be appearance-based, you can make a pretty sum, especially if you get hired with your car. The compensation depends on the role, but you can earn $100 to $200 for a 10-12 hour role plus pay bumps for the car. If you’re interested in knowing how to get cast in a movie with your vehicle, read on. This post explains how to make it happen.

1. Regularly Check for Postings on Casting Sites

Casting sites feature thousands of casting calls and acting jobs regularly. Visit these sites often and check to see if there’s anything that could interest you. Utilize the sites’ sorting and searching options to filter the postings as you like or according to the job requirements.

2. Create a Detailed Online profile for Yourself and Your Car

Everyone, including casting directors, searches online for what they want. You could miss many opportunities if your profile and car details aren’t available online. Create a detailed online profile for yourself and your car on major casting sites so as to be found easily.

Add crucial details about the car like the vehicle type, model, year of manufacture, and color. Also, upload photos of your vehicle taken from different angles to show as many details as possible. If you’re unsure of the shot angles that give the best pictures, browse popular car stock image sites for inspiration. Such sites have vast libraries of quality pictures taken from different angles to show specific car details.

3. Familiarize Yourself with the Expectations

To better your chances of getting cast in a movie with your car, get familiar with the expectations of the role and prepare adequately. Some roles may require driving the vehicle, being in the background with the car, or being stationary. If you’re interested in roles where you drive the vehicle, ensure your driving skills are good and the car is in good shape. Also, be sure you’re okay with the outfit and makeup for the scenes you want to appear in.

4. Link Up with a Reputable Car Broker

Although it may sound simple, getting cast with your car is hard work. You’ll need to actively look for gigs, contact hiring companies, and audition for roles. But you can avoid the hard work by working with a reputable car broker. The brokers usually find cars for film production companies and have better industry knowledge and connections. And although they charge a fee, they can get you better gigs faster.

5. Contact Production Companies Directly

Another way to get a casting role in a movie with your car is by contacting the film production companies directly and pitching your services. You can get contacts for the decision makers on company websites, at networking events, or ask your colleagues for introductions. Also, attend car shows that casting directors and car brokers are likely to attend.

It’s possible to get cast in a movie with your car once you know how to make it happen. However, you need to be ready for action and take advantage of the opportunities as they come.