Are You Looking for a Math Tutor in Singapore?

As parents, you would know if your children are having difficulties with maths concepts or need them to strive for greater excellence when you look for a math tutor in Singapore. As parents, instead of just focusing on the children’s current difficulties with maths concepts, try finding out and analysing the children’s past struggles and then identifying the gaps in the learning and understanding. By identifying the genuine root problems and working with the students to slowly eliminate them, parents can thoroughly support their children in rebuilding any needed mathematics foundation and regaining confidence in the subject. Can this be achieved through maths tuition? You can continue reading about math tutor in Singapore.

Singapore maths is both unique and hard

Singapore maths is the overall subject curriculum developed by the Singapore government as part of the country’s education system for all its students from the elementary to the JC and university levels. It is meant to be both unique and hard (admittedly) in support of developing top graduates for Singapore’s economy.

Singapore maths is so well-developed and successful that it is being introduced in western countries (particularly in the U.S.) due to Singapore’s consistent top scoring in international mathematics and science studies and competitions.

What makes Singapore maths successful?

Singapore maths focus on mastering skills while memorising the steps for a test. Although fewer topics are covered, once the current concept/topic is taught, memorised, and mastered, students quickly move on to the next concept. Students develop a deeper understanding of the steps involved and learn techniques that rely on the visualised pictorial approach. Students use model and diagram drawing techniques to help solve problems.

With other traditional maths teachings, concepts are taught using the concrete to the abstract method. The Singapore method introduces steps between the concrete and abstract, using a 3-step process: Concrete to pictorial (bar modelling) to the abstract, all leading to the solution of the problem.

Can tutoring help students with Singapore maths?

Qualified, specialised, and experienced maths tutors can help students through all Singapore maths concepts and techniques. Admittedly, as Singapore maths is difficult, not all students are made for maths. Many parents and their children will greatly benefit from maths tuition to overcome the difficulties of Singapore maths. Students will be able to grasp and apply these new concepts faster through their weaknesses and hard-ups.

Tutoring can also be for improving excellence

For parents with children already having strong mathematical abilities, maths tuition can drive the student to strive for even greater excellence. The maths tutor can provide advanced resources to challenge the children to find more lifts and better heights in learning. Tutors experienced in maths can impart shortcuts, tips, tricks, secrets, and advanced maths techniques to give the students an edge over the rest in tests and exams.

Customised teaching with focused feedback and attention

The benefit of a tutor going one-to-one with a student means the tutor can fully focus on analysing the student’s learning pace, learning methods, weaknesses, and strengths. But feedback is also an essential part of student learning. It helps students refine their work for them to reach their full potential. Feedback also has a positive impact on tutors, enabling them to continually grow in tandem with their students. Singapore’s maths teachers are top quality, but with large classes to handle, these teachers are unable to receive and provide the proper exchange of feedback. This makes learning in a classroom environment difficult for students who need more time to understand maths concepts.

Also, a good tutor going one-to-one with a shy and confused student encourages the child to raise all their queries, with each query able to be tackled in detail. This focused attention will eventually boost the child’s learning capacity.

At FamilyTutor

FamilyTutor is a well-known and popular Singapore tuition service dedicated to providing the highest quality of tutoring when it comes to math tuition, and at reasonable prices. We understand that tuition costs in Singapore have made some parents worrisome. Our services

ensure that our quality is worth every cent of your money. We believe that all students can benefit from tuition and greatly improve from it. You can find out more when you read more about math tutor in Singapore only from FamilyTutor.