3 Ways to Level Up Your Self-Care Sunday

Unless you live under a rock, you have likely heard the term self-care thrown around in many different types of context. This term refers to any activity, or state of being, that means you are taking time for yourself, to honor your mind, body, and soul. The best part about the broad term is just that, it is broad. There is no one size fits all determination for what constitutes a self-care habit, but below are three ways that you can level up your routine and have a truly relaxing experience. 

Indulge in Fancy Products

For many people, expensive beauty products are out of reach for daily use, but they are the perfect thing to splurge on and have around for a once-a-week reprieve from your everyday grind. Skin care has become a huge trend as of late, and there is no shortage of creams, serums, and masks for you to test out and find your best fit. Your skin is your biggest organ, and you should pay it the attention that it requires to be healthy. Proper hydration from water, lotion, and exfoliation are all things to keep in mind.

Do not forget about the rest of your body though, your hair health is directly related to the health of your scalp, an element of your skin, see where this is going? Hair is something that is notoriously beaten up, especially for women. Hair color, heat styling, and improper products can take a great head of hair and turn it into a frizzy, unhealthy mess. Before your next Sunday session, you can purchase hair care products online to nourish and revitalize all hair types with all natural shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments. 

Unplug and Recharge

In today’s world, it is almost impossible to find any real time to do a digital detox for an extended period of time. Between work, families, socializing, and sheer boredom being away from your phone, TV, or iPad might feel laughable, but it is totally achievable. As a part of your overall routine, make the conscious choice to unplug. No screens for X amount of time. 

Be sure that you have some activities lined up for yourself so that you can enjoy the peace that comes with this but still be stimulated in a way that feels joyful for you. Working out or reading are great options. If you are a beginner in either category, consider a light workout such as a walk through the neighborhood, or enjoy one of the best-selling books of all time to be sure that regardless of your preferred genre you will find the content pleasing. 

Create the Perfect Environment

Turn your home, or a room in your home, into the perfect oasis or retreat. This does not have to mean a full-scale remodel or even spending a lot of money, there are secrets to a stress-free home that are quite affordable. You can accomplish this through things like cozy blankets, essential oil diffusers, or a new lamp that gives off just the right glow. Figure out what you need to be able to sit in your space and say to yourself ‘ahh perfection!’ Try to remove any chore like items from your space while you are relaxing, even from underneath the softest of blankets, staring at a pile of laundry is not what self-care is all about. 

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash