10 Things To Look For In A Nursing Home

Having to choose a nursing home for yourself or a loved one is not an easy task. There can be a lot of guilt associated with the decision to place a loved one in an assisted-care facility. Be sure that you completely understand that sometimes this is the best decision you can make to give that loved one the care they deserve later in life.

With our busy schedules and hectic lives, we are sometimes can’t look after our elderly loved ones in the way they need. Choosing the best nursing home is the responsible and loving thing to do. Here are ten things that you need to look for in a nursing home; these will pretty much guarantee that your loved one will have the time of their life during their stay.

  • Location

The location of the nursing home should be first and foremost on your list of non-negotiables. The only way you can make sure that your loved one is being cared for properly is to check on them regularly. The easiest way to keep tabs on your family member or friend is to choose a nursing home in your area. It’s not enough for you to check things initially and then never again – you need to inspect the facility every month to make sure things are still working to an acceptable standard.

  • Size

Choose a nursing home that isn’t too big or too small. You need to be Goldilocks here and find the nursing home that is just right. If the facility is too small, your loved one will get lonely and bored. If the home is too large, resources and staff will be spread too thin, and they will not receive the care that they need and deserve. Aim for the middle ground by choosing a home that is not too big but is big enough.

  • Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a vital element to look out for when choosing a nursing home, particularly during a global pandemic. When touring potential homes, check with the management and staff regarding how often the communal areas and rooms are cleaned and tidied. Different residents will have different needs. If your loved one requires frail care, you need to find out how often they will be bathed and cared for there. One of the biggest contributors to nursing home ailments are bedsores – and these can occur faster than you think.

  • Safety

Safety should be a monumental concern for most people who are considering moving into a nursing home. Make sure that your chosen facility has a safe and well-documented care policy for its residents. You and your loved one need to know that they will be in good hands when entering the facility. Should you ever have any doubt in your mind that that this is no longer the case, you should immediately contact the nursing home lawyers in Phoenix.

  • Activities

Choose a nursing home facility that offers a range of activities for its residents. These activities can include exciting sporting activities such as tennis and bowling, bingo evenings, and book clubs. The best nursing homes understand that they are not meant to be places where the residents go to die. Instead, they know that they are supposed to be a place where the residents can enjoy their golden years by having the best time in the safest environment possible.

  • Good Reviews

The best thing to see when you are trying to pick the best nursing home is glowing reviews for that facility. Look online and ask around on local social media groups, you will find that most people are more than willing to share both good and bad experiences. These kinds of reviews, complaints, and recommendations will go a long way in helping you to make the best decision possible. 

  • Low Staff Turnover

When you are researching the facilities in your area, remember to always ask the staff and residents about the staff turnover at each home. A low staff turnover indicates that the employees there are happy and content within their roles in that organisation. Happy staff will help to create happy residents because one good deed rarely goes unnoticed in these places.

  • Happy Residents

One of the most important things to look for when choosing a nursing home is to pick one full of happy residents. Happy residents are the clearest indication that their home is a great one that respects and cares for the frail and elderly. When touring potential nursing homes, make sure to look out for the resident will the biggest smile on their face and see if they wouldn’t mind sharing their experiences with you.

  • Maintained Equipment

Always be on the lookout for well-maintained equipment and facilities, this is so important for both the residents and employees alike. This is a good indication that the nursing home management takes pride in their facility by ensuring that all equipment is always in working order. Check plugs, televisions, and lights during your tour. Check that there are no major cracks in the plaster and that the plumbing works properly by testing toilets and taps.

  •  Services

Every good nursing home has a list of services that they offer to their residents. These services can include church trips on a Sunday, library visits, road trips, and medical services. It is so important to choose a facility that will provide a holistic level of care. That means that every part of your loved one’s life will be taken care of because mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing is just as important as physical wellbeing.

Once your loved one has settled into the chosen home, remember that things can change so you need to be prepared to regularly inspect the facilities during one of your visits. If you notice anything you don’t approve of then you need to raise it with the management so that they can have your issue resolved promptly.

Photo by Dominik Lange on Unsplash