10 Methods to Increase Your Effectiveness

Our brains are built strangely. A little stress and discomfort help us to be more productive. We reach our maximum productivity when we step out of our comfort zone. But too much stress can have the opposite effect. So how do we stay in the “golden mean”? In this article, the writer from “write my essay for free” service tells how to increase your level of performance by these ten principles.

  1. Get up early. 

This will allow you to gather your thoughts and mentally prepare for the day’s work. You’ll also have time for a delicious breakfast, exercise, or to read a good book.

  1. Finish “impossible” tasks

Sometimes take on something that seems impossible to you: run a marathon, be a speaker at a big conference. It will help you get out of your comfort zone, and when the task is done, you’ll have even more confidence in your abilities.

  1. Meditate. 

Everyone talks about it, but you still haven’t tried it? Meditation helps you calm down and organize your thoughts amidst the fast pace of life and ongoing projects. It also develops the ability to control yourself, focus on tasks, solve problems, and be resilient to stress.

  1. Focus on one thing at a time. 

Multitasking is a productivity killer, so try to focus on one task at a time. Otherwise, your brain will strive to complete several similar functions in the best possible way, but the quality of the work you do will remain low.

  1. Try volunteering.

This powerful experience allows you to feel benefited, try new things, and make interesting acquaintances. It’s inspiring and develops the right skills.

  1. Practice public speaking 

Most people fear public speaking more than they fear death. But everything comes with experience. Over time, you will feel that general speaking skills help you in your career and personal affairs.

  1. Talk to Strangers 

If you are a shy person by nature, this can be a real challenge. Nevertheless, new social connections boost your mood, expand your social circle, stimulate you to give birth to new ideas, and help you become more confident.

  1. Bite your tongue.

Not literally, of course. You may be very eager to tell someone everything that you think because your opinion is critical. But later, you may regret it and only hurt yourself. Sometimes it’s worth holding back emotions and being brief.

  1. Say no. 

Learn to say it firmly and without excuses. This will allow you to focus on what is interesting and important to you.

  1. Stop procrastinating. 

If you put something off until tomorrow, but it’s been six months, think about whether it was worth it in the first place. If you feel that you will not finish what you started, it is better not to start. But if you have taken up something, finish it.