Why Is Crypto Bad For the Environment?

A lot of people have come to embrace cryptocurrency because of its decentralized nature and the benefits it offers. This is particularly true for environmentalists because it cuts out the middleman and therefore decreases carbon emissions, something that’s great for the environment. However, while crypto may be a better option than a traditional currency, as long as you don’t buy a new car every year or live an extravagant lifestyle, there are other downsides. In fact, many developers argue that it actually contributes more to environmental issues than traditional currencies do. 

This is a more pressing issue than you’d think, given that traditional currency is due to its centralized nature. Through the process of fiat banking, central banks have the power to print money whenever they please, which means that there’s no limit on how much environmental damage they can do. While cryptocurrency does allow for decentralization, it still allows for a lot of power to be in the hands of a few central entities. This can lead to environmental damage because of how centralized you need to be in order to get a stable, less volatile currency.

Carbon footprint: 

There are a few ways that cryptocurrency can cause an environmental impact, but the main one is through the amount of electricity crypto transactions require. For example, in 2017, bitcoin mining consumed as much electricity as all of Denmark. Because of this, it is one of the only activities that emit more carbon than nature. This has become a significant issue due to the fact that it’s harder to regulate crypto mining than other industries like energy creation and transportation. 

This is because, unlike with other sources of electricity, there isn’t a way to know where it’s all coming from. As a result, there are a lot of people that are currently investing in cryptocurrency without considering the amount of carbon that might be being used. Given the current state of world affairs and how much pollution is already out there, this is an issue that needs to be dealt with immediately.

Mining practices:

Because of the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency and the fact that an entire blockchain must be created from scratch, it’s necessary to actually mine for them. This is done using rigs that are just as resource intensive as any other industry out there. During crypto mining, computers are required to solve complex mathematical equations in order to create a new currency. The issue with this is the amount of power required to do this. In order to run the computers that are needed, you will need to acquire a large amount of electricity, which means a lot more carbon emissions. 

This is only one of the problems with crypto mining. Another one is that the process of cooling the computers off is extremely destructive to the environment. Since your rig will be working 24/7, there will be some sort of cooling system present for it. This could be through water or air, but either way, it’s still going to impact the environment. This is one reason why many companies are looking into using greener ways to power the rigs. 

Impact on climate change:

Because of the rise of cryptocurrency in recent months, there have been concerns about the effect it could have on climate change. A lot of people are wondering how much damage could be done if things aren’t handled properly. There are a few different issues that deal with this issue, but it’s important to address them all in order to get a full picture. One problem is that the entire process of creating a new currency requires a ton of resources and electricity, which means that some countries might go over their carbon emission limits. 

Another issue is that because banks still have the power to create currency at any time, cryptocurrency is just as centralized as traditional currency. It’s hard to control it, which means that there’s more risk that it could be used for more destructive purposes. Lastly, cryptocurrency relies on proof of work blocks, which means that they are constantly moving and cannot be backed up in any way. This means that the amount of electricity consumed will keep going up as long as there are still transactions to be processed. Visit bitprofit software for more information.


On the whole, cryptocurrency still has a lot of benefits, but it’s important to keep in mind that it is not doing enough to help the environment. Because of the centralized nature of the currency and the amount of energy used to create new currency, there are a lot of people that have concerns about how much damage might be done. This is something that needs to be worked on when blockchain technology becomes more mainstream. Until then, you should only invest in crypto if you’re sure you can handle its environmental impact on a daily basis.

Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash