Where To Find Reliable Gonorrhea Testing

If you speak of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), you’d find that gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs. As a matter of fact, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported as many as 616,392 gonorrhea cases in 2019. With this, it became the second-most alarming infection in the US that very year. On that note, if you’re wondering where to find a reliable gonorrhea test, the chances are that the anxiety and stress are creeping in. You don’t have to worry, as you’ll find out everything you need to know right here. 

How Does One Catch Gonorrhea? 

Just like all other STDs, gonorrhea is transmitted through sexual intercourse. It can be through vaginal, anal, or oral sex without protection. This infection is known to be caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhea. If one catches gonorrhea, the anus, vagina, throat, or eyes will be the first parts of the body where symptoms show up. 

What Are The Different Gonorrhea Symptoms?

When a person is infected with gonorrhea, the symptoms might occur within a matter of two to 14 days. In some cases, these symptoms are known to be unnoticeable, because of which the infection goes untreated. 

The symptoms of gonorrhea are, more or less, the same in men and women. Having said that, some of the most common gonorrhea symptoms include an urgent need to urinate, sore throat, pain or swelling of the testicles, greenish or yellow discharge from penis or vagina, fever, and abdominal pain, among others. 

If a man happens to be infected with gonorrhea, it might go on to damage the testicles and urethra. In some cases, there might be a pain in the rectum as well. As for a woman with gonorrhea, these symptoms tend to be similar to other infections, like a bacterial infection or vaginal yeast. Therefore, it becomes more difficult to assess whether it’s actually gonorrhea or not. This is why it’s important to know where to find a reliable gonorrhea test before it’s too late. 

Where To Get Treated For Gonorrhea 

If you happen to show one or more symptoms of gonorrhea, you’ll probably be asking yourself where to find a reliable gonorrhea test. Well, you don’t have to worry about that because you’ll find numerous STD clinics in and around your city. In fact, in some clinics, you might even be able to get tested for gonorrhea for free!

Having said that, it’s pertinent that you get tested for gonorrhea, regardless of whether you’re showing symptoms or not. With this STD being one of the most common STDs in the US, you can’t be risking your life and your partner’s. So, instead of waiting for the symptoms to show up, it’s only wise that you get tested for it at the earliest. 

You can rest assured that healthcare professionals will take care of everything without you having to worry about your personal details and other information leaking. Surely, you wouldn’t want to proclaim to the whole world that you’re getting tested for gonorrhea! Of course, there’s no shame in getting tested for gonorrhea or any other STD for that matter. However, no matter what the result is, you wouldn’t want other people to invade your privacy! 

Speaking of reliability and where to find a reliable gonorrhea test, you can always choose to order an at-home STD kit. According to research, these at-home STD kits are as reliable and accurate as when you get tested in a clinic! So, you don’t have to worry about not getting time to head to the clinic when you can easily get tested for gonorrhea at home. 

The only thing you need to keep in mind is that while collecting the sample, you need to be very careful and thorough with the instructions. This might include doing a throat swab, vaginal swab, penis swab, rectal swab, or collecting a blood sample. No matter what type of sample you’re supposed to collect, it should be easy and take no more than five minutes. The best part is that you don’t have to wonder where to find a reliable gonorrhea test anymore!

Is Gonorrhea Treatable?

You don’t have to be worried sick if you happen to contract gonorrhea because it’s easily treatable. However, just because there’s a cure for it, doesn’t mean that you can take it lightly. That being said, if you leave gonorrhea treated for a long time, you might end up developing severe health risks. This holds true especially for women as this infection might lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or PID, damage and pain in reproductive organs, or prevention of pregnancy. Not only that, but women who are pregnant and have gonorrhea might end up infecting the new-born baby. 

Since there are no over-the-counter or at-home remedies for gonorrhea, it has become all the more important to know where to find a reliable gonorrhea test. Only then can you confirm whether you’re simply being anxious or whether your worst nightmare has come true. If it happens to be the latter, it’s better late than never. With professional help, it won’t be long before you’re free of this infection, and you can go back to living your life the way you want! 

Unless you want to suffer the consequences in the later stage of your life, make sure to find out where to find a reliable gonorrhea test quickly. If you keep delaying the gonorrhea test in spite of its symptoms, you’re only putting yourself and your partner at risk. Not only that, but you’ll be causing internal damage to yourself. Therefore, unless you want to be facing the consequences of your poor decision, the time is now to get tested for gonorrhea. 

Whether you choose to head to a clinic or order an at-home STD test, the choice is yours. No matter what you decide, you can rest easy knowing the fact that you have crossed the first hurdle. You can rejoice when the test comes back negative!