When a tooth is lost or damaged, dental implants are a common and reliable option for restoration.
Unfortunately, tooth extraction is sometimes required prior to dental implant surgery. We will explain when it’s best to get a tooth extracted and how to replace it with an implant in just a day.
How soon after tooth extraction can dental implants be placed?
In the past, dental implant placement necessitated a lengthy healing period following tooth extraction. Dental implants may usually be implanted in the jaw within two weeks of a tooth being extracted, although there are exceptions. A procedure such as this may be described as “dental implants in 24 hours” or “rapid implant insertion.”
In circumstances where the tooth being pulled is not badly injured or infected and the surrounding bone is healthy, immediate implant placement is possible. When this is the case, the dental implant can be placed right after the tooth is extracted for a more streamlined treatment plan and quicker recovery.
When dental implants need the removal of teeth
In some circumstances, teeth need to be pulled before dental implants can be placed. For example:
If a tooth has been significantly decaying or damaged, a dental crown or other restorative therapy may not be able to rescue it. Sometimes teeth need to be pulled so that implants can be placed.
In order to prevent the development of infection and make room for a dental implant, a tooth may need to be extracted if gum disease has severely damaged the tooth or the surrounding bone.
Extraction of teeth may be essential to make space for a dental implant if they are too crowded for correct alignment with orthodontic therapy.
What is the procedure for getting implants right away?
When a tooth is pulled, the dental implant can be inserted immediately into the empty socket. This creates a strong foundation for the implant, which can later have a dental crown or bridge attached to it.
A qualified oral surgeon or implant dentist is necessary for the immediate insertion of implants. It’s crucial that the implant is positioned properly and that the bone around it is healthy enough to support it.
In extreme situations of decay, gum disease, or crowding, tooth extraction may be required before dental implants can be placed. Some patients may be candidates for immediate implant placement offering a quicker and more convenient treatment option.
Image Credit: Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash