What Type Of Collagen is Best for You?

Are you considering using a collagen powder supplement? Are you confused about which type of collagen you need? Well, you have landed at the right place. In this article, we will share what collagen is, its types, and its benefits so that you can make the right choice. Read on to know. 

Collagen is the amplest protein available in mammals. Although the human body contains 28 different types of collagen, only five of them are commonly used in supplements. 

How Collagen Works?

Collagen is responsible for giving your body its shape, strength, and support.

In particular, collagen serves these functions:

  • Facilitating the development of new skin cells by promoting the formation of dermal fibroblasts.
  •  Collagen powder contributes to the process of replacing old skin cells.
  • Offering a barrier against injury to vital organs.
  • Provides skin its structure, strength, and elasticity.
  • Enhances blood’s ability to clot.

Types Of Collagen 

Type 1

Collagen of this type makes up the vast majority of the protein found in your body (90 percent). The skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments in your body all use type I collagen to give them structure. Type I collagen has a very dense packing pattern.

Type 2

Products derived from marine organisms and chicken contain type II collagen. This type exists in elastic cartilage, which is what provides support for the joints.

Type 3 

The body naturally produces a significant amount of type III collagen, making it the second most common type of collagen. This variety can be found in the arteries, organs, and muscles of the body.

Type 4

This collagen type is found in the layers of the skin. 

Type 5

This variety can be found in the cornea of your eyes, as well as in certain layers of your hair, skin, and the tissue of the placenta.

When considering any type of collagen supplement, it is essential to remember that the body has its own collagen stores and can obtain additional collagen through a healthy diet. Regardless of the advertised benefits of specific collagen powder, they will only work along with a healthy diet and lifestyle.  

What Type of Collagen is Best for You? 

Collagen comes in a variety of forms and from a variety of sources. As a result, different usages and potential benefits arise. They differ in terms of how the molecules are assembled, the cell components that are added, and the location of the collagen in your body. At least one triple collagen helix structure can be found in all collagen fibrils. So, you can choose as per your needs. 

Anyone thinking about taking collagen supplements to fix a certain problem should talk to a doctor first. Some medications, allergies, and underlying medical conditions may interact badly with collagen supplements. Also, collagen needs to be made in a way that makes it easy for the body to break it down and use it. If it isn’t made in the right way, your body can’t use it. By reading the label, people can find out about the type, source, and form of collagen in collagen supplements.