What to Buy for Your Next Camping Adventure

If you’re an urban dweller with minimal outdoor experience, heading into the wilderness can be daunting. You might know you want to get out in nature more often, but you might not have all the necessary equipment to make it a success. However, that doesn’t mean you never will. Add the following items to your shopping cart, and you’ll be ready for your upcoming camping trip in no time. 

A Tent

A form of shelter is one of the most crucial components of a successful camping trip. Rather than spending thousands of dollars on a caravan or opting for a poor-quality tent, you might like to consider rooftop tents from leading suppliers like iKamper

These tents are designed for installation on the roof of your vehicle, allowing you to sleep off the ground. You can put some distance between you and local wildlife, keep dirt from the ground out of your sleeping bag, and enjoy a small amount of security. There are many different rooftop tents to choose from, and they can be suitable for mountain vacations, the outback, established campgrounds, and other camping destinations.

A Heat and Cooking Source

Whether you’re car camping or glamping in a caravan, every camper needs a form of heat and a cooking source to make their camping trip a success. If you’re spending time in an area where campfires are allowed, you might enjoy the heat of the fire for warmth and as a way to cook your evening meal. Otherwise, you might bring along a portable barbeque or a gas cooker that you can use for delicious camp meals like hamburgers, pancakes, chili, and kebabs. 

Device Chargers

When you’re so used to the conveniences of city life, like mobile phones, tablets, and computers, being without them can be challenging. Fortunately, you don’t have to be when you invest in device chargers designed to make camping much more convenient. Many phone, tablet, and computer chargers are portable power supplies that can be charged before you leave home and gain extra energy from solar panels while you’re out in nature. 

Camping Furniture

While you’re busy focusing on ensuring you’ll be comfortable while you sleep out in the wilderness, it can be easy to forget how to remain comfortable during the day. Now might be an excellent time to purchase camping furniture. At a minimum, campers should have camping chairs to avoid sitting on the hard ground. If no picnic tables are present at your location, consider packing a folding table where you can enjoy a meal with your loved ones. 


When it gets dark in our homes, we simply turn on the lights until we’re ready to go to bed. However, with no electricity in the wilderness, you have to come up with other lighting solutions. Some people make do with the illumination of their campfire and use the opportunity to share spooky campfire stories, while others invest in battery-powered torches and lanterns. However, you can also purchase solar string lights and lanterns that require no charging or extra batteries to provide you with all the light you need. 

The average urban dweller might not know what it takes to prepare for a camping adventure, but it won’t take long until you’re ready to go. Purchase these essentials above, and you might adjust to the outdoor lifestyle sooner than you think.

Picture: Leon Contreras