What is HIPEC Cancer Treatment?

The development of modern medicine makes it possible to use more effective and safer methods of cancer treatment. Recently, doctors have learned to cope with advanced stages of cancer. Thanks to the use of modern treatment methods, the chance of a complete cure of cancer at its initial stages is close to one hundred percent. One of the modern methods developed in recent years is hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. Today this method is not widespread and is used only in foreign hospitals. You can undergo HIPEC cancer treatment in Germany or Israel.

What is HIPEC?

Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is one of the modern treatments for advanced abdominal cancer, also known as “hot chemotherapy”. It is currently one of the few treatments for advanced abdominal cancer that can prolong patients’ lives by 20-50% when other methods are ineffective.

Many tumors that develop in internal organs can affect the peritoneum. In such cases doctors use this method. HIPEC cancer treatment is indicated to patients who have been diagnosed with:

  • Ovarian cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Gallbladder cancer

HIPEC is a complex method that carries higher risks than standard surgery. However, performing HIPEC in this case is a very reasonable treatment option. Cytoreductive surgery combined with HIPEC and systemic chemotherapy is the best available treatment option that can prolong the life of a patient with advanced cancer.

HIPEC strengths

Surgery and HIPEC are performed at the same time, which enhances the effectiveness of both methods. After surgeons have mechanically removed the tumor, doctors proceed to administering chemotherapy drugs. The basic principle of HIPEC is that the heated chemotherapy drug affects the tumor cells better. Using special equipment, heated chemotherapy drugs are injected directly into the abdominal cavity, affecting the remaining tumor cells, destroying them and preventing the tumor recurrence.

The high temperature allows to increase the efficacy of antitumor drugs, and the equal spreading over the abdominal cavity allows destroying tumor cells in the most hard-to-reach places. Moreover, the drug does not affect healthy organs located outside the abdominal cavity, which reduces the risk of side effects development compared to conventional chemotherapy.

The best hospitals for HIPEC

When it comes to the best countries for HIPEC cancer treatment, Israel and Germany are by far the best. Besides cancer treatment with innovative technology, here you can also undergo high-precision cancer screening.

In order to help patients with the choice of foreign hospitals, a list of the best hospitals for cancer treatment has been compiled. The main criteria for selection are the availability of modern equipment, the percentage of successful operations, as well as the level of doctors’ qualifications. As of 2020, the most successful hospitals were:

  • Helios Klinik Krefeld
  • University Hospital of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Charite University Hospital Berlin
  • University Hospital Ulm
  • University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

At each of these hospitals you will find state-of-the-art medical care as well as highly qualified medical staff.

HIPEC abroad during the lockdown

Because of the global lockdown, many patients around the world have been deprived of the opportunity to receive state-of-the-art treatment at the best hospitals abroad. However, there is a way out. To solve this problem, you can leave the request on the website of the medical tourism operator Booking Health.

Thanks to years of experience, the specialists of the company will do everything necessary, so you will travel to the best hospitals for cancer treatment in the world even during the lockdown. In addition, due to direct cooperation with many foreign hospitals, Booking Health has no extra fees or additional charges for treatment of foreign patients, so you can save up to 60% of the treatment cost.

To start your treatment as soon as possible, visit the Booking Health website, where you will find more information about treatment abroad and leave your request.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash