What Is Byetta Insulin?

People who live with diabetes mellitus have to take care of their blood sugar levels on a regular basis. Oftentimes they have to make use of insulin or related preparations for glycemic control. Moreover, there exists a wide range of medications that are used to treat diabetes in people with different health conditions. In this article, we will check out the overview of the main preparations that are used to treat diabetes and then take a closer look at Byetta and its peculiarities. So, let’s delve right in.

An important note: In case you want to buy Byetta online, make sure to order it from a reliable reseller so that you will be sure of its quality.

What Is Diabetes and How Is It Treated?

Insulin is a naturally produced in your body hormone that is responsible for regulating your blood sugar levels. However, sometimes it happens that your body doesn’t interact with insulin in a proper way, namely:

  • Your immune system might mistakenly attack the cells that produce insulin;
  • Insulin resistance develops;
  • Your pancreas might either make a very limited amount of insulin or does not make it at all;
  • Etc.

In such cases, you might get type 1 or type 2 diabetes and would most probably need to take special medications in order to maintain a normal low blood sugar level and help your body to turn glucose into energy the right way.

Speaking about the types of medications that are used to treat diabetes, we should differentiate between insulin-based pharmaceutical preparations and the ones that serve as their substitutions but do not contain insulin. Depending on the duration of their action, medications that are used to treat insulin are subdivided into rapid-, short-, intermediate-, long-acting, and mixed ones.

An important note: Sometimes, different preparations that are used for treating diabetes might be mixed with each other. However, please keep in mind that some drug interactions might be dangerous or lead to drug-induced states. So, make sure to consult with your doctor when it comes to the choice of preparations and the dose for diabetes treatment.


One type of medication that is used to treat diabetes is Byetta (which has the generic name Exenatide). It is a short-acting injectable pharmaceutical that is only used to control blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Speaking about the administration of a Byetta dose, it has to be injected into the area of your thigh, abdomen, or upper arm within one hour before your morning and evening meals.

Here is the list of the most peculiarities of Byetta Exenatide:

  • It is NOT a type of insulin. Therefore, it should be neither taken instead of insulin nor in the combination with rapid- or short-acting insulin;
  • It should not be injected after a meal;
  • It should not be used to treat type 1 diabetes and diabetes in children;
  • It does not elevate the gain of weight.

Here is the list of side effects of Byetta:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Headache;
  • Indigestion;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Etc.

A side-note: One of the other side effects you may report having after a Byetta dose is weight loss.

Byetta Pen

In most cases, a Byetta dose appears in a cartridge that has to be used with a special pen. Every milliliter of the preparation includes 250 mcg of exenatide, while a pen might either deliver a dose of Byetta 10 mcg or 5 mcg.

A Bottom Line

All in all, Byetta is a medication that is used to regulate the blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and is NOT an insulin type. In most cases, it is injected one hour before your meal two times a day with the help of a Byetta pen. So, either buy Byetta online or locally and bring your health condition under control!

Photo by Dennis Klicker on Unsplash