What Evidence Do You Need for a Personal Injury Claim?

To win a personal injury lawsuit, you must show that the defendant’s conduct directly caused your injuries. It includes demonstrating how the injury occurred and the damage extent. Regarding gathering and preserving evidence of what happened after an accident, the first few days are generally the most critical, especially if you are planning to file a personal injury claim. Hiring the best personal injury lawyer in Sacramento can assist you in gathering the required evidence to support your claim, which will be critical in helping you get the compensation you deserve.

The following are general papers or evidence that may be relevant to your accident or injury claim. 

  • Accident Report:

An accident report is a vital document that gives an impartial viewpoint on the specifics of an accident. This report includes information regarding who was involved in the event, where the accident occurred, the accident cause, any injuries sustained, and other data crucial for preparing your case. You must obtain a copy of an accident report or police record to help you establish a connection between the accident and your injuries.

  • Physical evidence:

A piece of “physical” evidence—something you can feel or touch, rather than a narrative of what happened—may occasionally be used to demonstrate fault for an accident. A worn or broken stair that caused a slip and fall, a ding in a car that shows where it was hit, or an overhanging tree that obscured the view on a bike route are all examples. Physical evidence that is not kept or documented immediately after an accident may be lost, transformed by time or weather, destroyed, or rectified. Therefore, whatever tangible evidence you have, including your damaged vehicle or bike, torn clothing, or a faulty product, should be kept in its original condition. 

  • Witness statements:

Gather contact information from any witnesses who noticed your accident, if feasible. Your Sacramento Bicycle Accident Lawyer may need to contact these people again to obtain a statement from them about the specifics of the accident. 

  • Photographs:

If you don’t have tangible proof or cannot preserve it for whatever reason, the next best choice is to capture it using your smartphone or another digital camera. Take multiple images from various perspectives so you can subsequently select the ones that best represent whatever you want to highlight to the insurance company. You could also record a video. Consider taking the images as soon as possible after the accident to portray the status of the evidence appropriately.  

  • Evidence of injuries:

Medical documents, undoubtedly, are essential in determining the severity of your injuries and the amount of compensation you should seek. Vivid images of substantial bruises, burns, and lacerations aid in conveying your damage extent. Also, the medical care you receive is significant, and the defendant in your case will surely ask for your medical records. Therefore, seeing a doctor and following any treatment recommendations is crucial. Engage the experienced auto accident lawyer in Sacramento to guide you throughout the process and do the needful to strengthen the case. 

  • Lost wages:

Your injuries may keep you from returning to your job for a few days or months. You will need to gather proof of your missed days and the money you should have earned since you may be eligible for compensation for the pay you lost during that period. Moreover, if your doctor advises you not to return to work or to do only light duties, ensure to make a duplicate of the note and provide it to your employer. It should specify how long you will be absent from work.