What are the Benefits of Using a Vaporizer

The vaporizer industry is thriving, with continuous new makes and models hitting the shelves since the release of the revolutionary Volcano in 2000. It’s not surprising, given the problems smoking can cause, that the popularity of vapes has risen in recent years. The benefits are enormous, including cleaner highs, tastier experiences, and massive savings in the long run.

While vaporizers can be expensive at the initial buying stage, the savings can accumulate quickly over time. There are two main styles of vaporizers on the market: portable and desktop. Portable vaporizers are smaller, battery-operated devices designed for discretion. Desktop vaporizers, on the other hand, are much larger and require electrical power. If you’re interested, here’s a list of the top 3 desktop vaporizer in 2023 for you to peruse.

Here are seven main benefits of desktop vapes:

1. Balloons and Whips

Desktop vaporizers offer two main ways to extract vapor: whips and balloons. The plastic whip is usually made from food-grade materials and is attached to the vaporizer, allowing vapor to be drawn through the mouthpiece. Balloon style, made famous by Storz & Bickel with their Volcano, involves connecting the balloon to the vaporizer and letting it fill before removing the balloon and inhaling through the mouthpiece. While both styles are excellent, balloons are our preferred method.

2. Larger Chambers

Desktop units are considerably larger than portable vaporizers, so their chambers are also much bigger. This means you can use more cannabis and have longer sessions.

3. Powerful Vapor

Desktop vaporizers like the Volcano provide dense, potent vapor thanks to the stronger components used in their build. Temperature set point and draw resistance are some of the numerous factors contributing to high-quality vapor.

4. Accurate Temperatures

Despite advancements in vaporizer technology, it can still be difficult to determine if the chosen temperature is being reflected in the chamber of your vape. Desktop vaporizers are more accurate due to the higher quality components used. With vaporizers such as the Volcano Digit, you have the ability to adjust the temperature settings in small increments, providing you with full mastery over the device.

5. No Battery Bothers

Battery life is one of the biggest issues with portable vaporizers. They require a lot of power to produce the heat and environment needed to create potent vapor. Although most portable disposable vaporizers have amazing battery life, they cannot compare to electrical power.

6. Perfect for Parties

Desktop vaporizers are an ideal choice for social gatherings as they can be easily shared among friends. The Volcano’s balloon technology further adds the thrill of the occasion, as the balloon can be effortlessly passed around between friends. According to Storz & Bickel, the vapor trapped inside the balloon can go for up to eight hours, ensuring a long-lasting experience for all.

7. Vaporizers for Life

Desktop vaporizers are known for their sturdy build and robust construction, designed to withstand regular use for years to come. However, with this durability comes a need for regular cleaning and maintenance to ensure that the device continues to perform optimally. While this may seem like a hassle at first, taking the time to properly care for your desktop vaporizer can extend its lifespan and save you money in the long run.

Photo by Dip Devices on Unsplash