What are the Advantages of Enrolling in Infant Swimming Lessons?

Letting your infant play in the water can be beneficial to their early development. You can enroll children as young as six months old in private swimming lessons. This low-impact activity engages your baby’s body in unique ways that are helpful in their development. Some of these classes follow an infant swimming lesson that starts with learning the fundamentals and mastering more complex strokes.

Here are some of the other potential benefits of enrolling your child in infant swimming lessons at an early age.

Reduced Risk of Drowning

Being safe in the water is one of the essential benefits of learning how to swim. Children are at risk of drowning as they are exposed to water every day, from bathing them in bathtubs to playing with them in your backyard pool. Infant swim lessons reduce the possibility of your child drowning in these circumstances. Making them learn how to swim at an early age makes them more comfortable in the water.

Boosted Brain Functions

Swimming is a full-body exercise that engages the full extent of the brain. Doing the different strokes and movements while in the water helps with the cognitive development of your child, allowing them to read and speak better as they grow.

Infant Swimming Lessons

Social Skills Development

Infant swim classes are often done in groups facilitated by swimming instructors. You and your infant will also be with other children with the same skill level. This setup allows them not to feel shy or intimidated by their classmates. They can also mingle with other kids to make them more accustomed to interacting with others. 

Builds Family Relationships

Private swim lessons are also a great way to create a stronger bond with your child. These private classes encourage parents to have a more active role in the learning process. They can also help reduce the anxiety and fear of their child in the water. It’s an excellent opportunity to have some quality time since lessons would require your undivided attention.

Reduces Stress

The different strokes your child learns in swimming require proper breathing and movement. Swimming has been linked to lowered stress levels and improved mood. Moreover, regular physical activity releases endorphins in the brain. This triggers a positive feeling in the body and reduces the stress hormone cortisol.

Your child’s learning environment also plays a vital role in how they engage with their lessons. Some swim schools have reward systems to keep track of their learning process. It also helps keep them motivated and eager to learn. 

Boosts Coordination and Balance

Learning how to float requires your child to focus on the balance and buoyancy of their body. The small and coordinated arm and leg movements are incredible feats in your child’s development. Swimming classes will teach them to move on their own even before they can crawl or walk. Knowing how to move in this way early on in their lives is vital in their physical development.

Provides Better Sleeping Patterns

Spending time in the water takes a lot of energy. Being in a new environment that requires using their entire body in various ways can drain them quickly. Moreover, their body systems are working hard to keep them warm. Your little one might get sleepy after attending a swimming lesson. Schedule a short nap after or move up their bedtime on days they have a class so they can be properly energized.

Improves Appetite

While swimming is a low-impact exercise, it can work up an appetite, especially in children. Your body burns more energy to keep you warm in the water. The necessary movements in learning the strokes also take a toll, which is why most people become hungry right after a swim. Your child is no different, as they can become hungry right after their swimming lessons.

Builds their Muscles

Swimming requires more strength to move one’s arms and legs due to the added resistance when in the water. This constant movement helps your child strengthen their joints and muscles. Children enrolled in swimming classes will find it easier to sit up, crawl, stand, and walk once they get used to swimming regularly.

Raise Confident Young Swimmers

Equip your child with the necessary swimming knowledge and cute baby swimwear and help them be comfortable and safe around water. Provide them with the best swimming education by enrolling them in infant swim lessons near you

Bear Paddle is a premier swimming school for all ages. It has been helping children become safe and confident swimmers for decades. What sets Bear Paddle apart from other swim schools is that the swimming lessons are fun and story-based since they’re made for a child’s perspective. This style lets toddlers stay engaged while allowing them to learn swimming basics more quickly and efficiently. Bear Paddle also has a rewards program so you and your kids can keep track of their progress towards becoming excellent swimmers!

Bear Paddle also has alternative swimming lessons such as Family Swim. This allows parents to get in the water along with their kid so they can boost their self-esteem and see first-hand how much their child has learned. The interactive environment also makes them more comfortable and be able to hone their social skills.

You can enroll your child at any of Bear Paddle’s swimming locations in Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky.

See your child become little experts in the water as they enjoy this recreational activity.