Did you know that 50% of men in their 50s and 26% of men under 40 experience Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? You also may have heard, recently, that COVID-19 increases the risk of developing ED by nearly six times. But what you’re probably unfamiliar with is that there are preventative approaches men can take to combat the symptoms of ED, which also improve the quality of your manhood.
We’re not talking about the typical approaches that you’re already aware of— drinking less alcohol, exercising more or eliminating cigarettes from your daily routine (although these are recommended). But before we get into these different approaches for preventing ED, here are reasons why so many men, if not all of them, experience ED at some point in their lives.
It’s All About the Plumbing
When you turned 20 years of age; two significant changes began to take place in your body without you knowing.
- The first is that your body stopped generating new blood vessels within your penis. Blood vessels are vital to your erections because they are the only channels that deliver blood to the penis. Less channels equals less blood, which results in weaker erections.
- The second is that micro-plaque begins to build within your blood vessels, which is called atherosclerosis. As you age, the micro-plaque within your vessels continues to build up, and begins to act like a dam— restricting blood from passing through the penis. Because of this, men may begin to notice that their erections aren’t as robust as they used to be. Which ultimately can lead to struggles with ED.
- If you’ve had COVID-19, then this next part will apply to you (ignore if you’ve never had COVID). Physicians across the globe have said that the virus is known to cause inflammation in the endothelium, which is the inner lining of blood vessels through the body. Because the arteries supplying the genitals are small and narrow, the inflammation is likely to disrupt blood flow and impede a man’s sexual response.
Summary: Your body isn’t generating any new blood vessels to drive blood to your penis, the only blood vessels that you have are filled with plaque, which is reducing blood flow and the inflammation caused by COVID-19 is strangling the little bit of blood that’s able to get through. Seems like quite a pickle!
How To Optimize Your Pipes
- Nitric Oxide Supplements: Nitric oxide plays an important role in erectile function. Nitric oxide is needed for the muscles in the penis to relax. The relaxation allows the chambers inside your manhood to fill with blood. Think of your penis like a sponge. When a sponge has been used and left out to dry, it becomes frail and shrivels up. But when you dip that sponge under water, it grows, becomes robust and dare we say… juicy. The same thing happens to your penis with nitric oxide.
- Vacuum Pumps: Austin Powers was definitely on to something! Research has found that penis pumps can improve erectile quality in 84-95% of men. Although these pumps won’t make “it” bigger, they will allow you to easily pump your manhood with the blood it needs on a regular basis. The device uses suction to increase blood flow to your penis, causing an erection. Once you have the erection, you can use a ring to constrict the blood so your penis remains filled. Pumping should be done regularly, even if you don’t have ED, to keep everything working properly down there in between the times you are not having sex. Think of it like a weekly workout routine – for your junk!
- GAINSWave© Therapy: GAINSWave is the premium brand of extracorporeal shockwave therapy for ED, performed by highly-trained medical providers. Don’t worry… nothing is getting shocked! The GAINSWave procedure breaks up the micro-plaque formation in your blood vessels and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels. By clearing out your pipes and giving your body the jumpstart, it needs to grow new blood vessels, it will help you get back to that performance you experienced during your 20s! Studies show that Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy may significantly improve endothelial function. For instance, a recent published study found that Low-intensity shock waves stimulate the receptors within the endothelial to release growth factors, which promotes angiogenesis and helps to combat inflammation and fibrosis.
It’s Time to Give Your Manhood A Tune-up
Most men take their cars in for routine maintenance and tune-ups to make sure that everything is working well, or even better, but they don’t apply the same ethics to their penis.
The good news is that there are hundreds of doctors across the nation, and in your community, that focus solely on helping men optimize their performance so they can avoid things like ED. Click Here to see who in your area can help you give your manhood the tune-up you deserve.