Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI Shares 5 Tips for Supporting Ecologically Minded Businesses While Away

Traveling is an adventure, but it can make maintaining eco-friendly habits challenging. As travelers, we tend to overlook our impact on our environment, which can result in negative consequences. However, there are ways to reduce or even nullify our carbon footprint while traveling, mainly when supporting ecologically minded businesses. In this blog, the expert Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI will share five tips to help you support eco-friendly businesses while traveling.

1. Research Before Traveling

Before embarking on a trip, research the area you’re traveling to. This way, hotels, restaurants, and shops prioritize eco-friendly practices. Look for eco-accreditation schemes like Green Tourism, Eco-Labels, Eco-Certification, etc. 

These certificates indicate that a business follows environmental standards in its operations. Additionally, look for organizations making their buildings and transportation sustainable, such as using solar power or electric vehicles.

2. Choose Local And Sustainable Products

When traveling, make a conscious effort to buy from local businesses that support sustainable practices. Buying locally-made souvenirs, gifts, and even food will support the local economy and cut down the carbon footprint. 

Local farmers’ markets are an excellent place to buy natural, fresh produce that you can enjoy and that supports local communities. Remember to shop according to what can only be found locally, and bring your cloth shopping bags to minimize plastic usage.

3. Limit Energy Usage

Due to the pandemic, remote working and studying have become a norm, which might continue. But as responsible travelers, it is essential to conserve energy to reduce environmental harm. We can take small steps to achieve this, like switching off lights when it’s not necessary, using natural light during the day, and keeping the air conditioning unit on moderate heat. 

Ask hotels and vacation rentals for energy-saving methods like solar panels, energy-saving light bulbs, and efficient cooling methods.

4. Minimize Plastic Usage

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental challenge, and travelers must take part and contribute to solving the issue. Single-use plastic items like straws, bags, water bottles, and utensils contribute to this problem, so we can minimize them by choosing reusable items. 

Carry a refillable water bottle and a cloth bag to carry groceries and souvenirs. Instead of using plastic straws, carry a reusable metal, glass, or bamboo straw. Also, you can bring reusable cutleries and reusable cups when eating out.

5. Volunteer For Eco-Friendly Initiatives

Joining a local conservation organization or helping the local community maintain their surroundings is an excellent way to contribute to eco-friendly actions. Volunteer in local beach clean-up campaigns in various locations worldwide to keep our oceans clean. 

Participate in tree planting programs, which help clean the air, create habitats, and conserve soil nutrients. Wildlife rescue centers are there, and this could be a good way to help preserve local wildlife and sanctuaries.

Why Is it Important To Support Ecologically Minded Businesses?

Supporting eco-friendly businesses is essential in order to reduce the negative impact of human activities on our planet. These businesses are investing resources to adopt sustainable practices, helping us create a more conscious and green world. 

By choosing ecologically minded businesses, we can help protect the environment while enjoying memorable trips with fewer carbon emissions.  We can also contribute to the local economy and help support local communities.

Benefits Of Supporting Eco-Friendly Businesses

Better Quality Products

Companies that prioritize eco-friendliness often go the extra mile to ensure their products are of high quality. These businesses use sustainable materials and manufacturing processes to produce goods free from harsh chemicals and toxins that can harm consumers. This ensures products that last longer are better quality and are safer for people to use daily.

Supporting a Better Future

Choosing to purchase from eco-friendly businesses sends a positive signal to the market that there is a growing demand for environmentally safe products. This creates a ripple effect, pushing other companies to start caring about the environment and adopting eco-friendly practices. 

Reduction in Waste

Eco-friendly businesses adopt waste reduction as a core principle. They focus on minimizing their carbon footprint, reducing landfill waste, and decreasing pollution. Businesses that prioritize eco-friendliness utilize sustainable materials that reduce waste production and often have recycling programs in place. Customers that prefer these companies help reduce waste production, thus conserving our natural resources and reducing pollution.

Economic Benefits

Most eco-friendly businesses are committed to sustainability and the company’s bottom line and are not just focused on profits. Companies that prioritize sustainability encourage the development of local communities, which creates job opportunities and helps boost the local economy. 

Better Health

Eco-friendly products are safer to use and are made using natural ingredients that are significantly less harmful to human health. Products produced sustainably also reduce pollution, which can negatively impact the environment and our health. 


Being an eco-friendly traveler requires mindfulness and small steps that can help you have a memorable adventure while ensuring that you’re supporting eco-friendly practices. In this blog, Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI has shared five tips that will help you support ecologically minded businesses while traveling. Next time you plan to travel, make a conscious effort to follow these tips, minimize your carbon footprint, and contribute to helping save our planet!


Image Credit: Photo by S. Tsuchiya on Unsplash