Understanding ELO Boosting in League of Legends: An Overview

League of Legends (LoL) is a highly popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. With millions of players worldwide, the competition in LoL can be fierce, and many players strive to improve their rankings. This is where LOL boosting comes into play.

In the competitive landscape of League of Legends, players are ranked based on their skill level. The ranking system, often called ELO, assigns players a specific rating that determines their position in the game’s hierarchy. 

ELO boost, or MMR boosting, is a professional service player offers to increase the rank of another player’s account.

What is ELO Boosting?

ELO boosting involves a highly skilled player, known as a booster, playing on behalf of another player to improve their ranking. The booster uses their expertise and knowledge to win games and accumulate victories, resulting in a higher ELO or MMR (Matchmaking Rating) for the account being boosted. The process typically involves the booster logging into the client’s account and playing ranked games on their behalf.

The Process of ELO Boosting

When a player decides to utilize ELO boosting, they usually seek the assistance of a professional boosting service. The player provides their account details, including login credentials, to the boosting service. A skilled booster is assigned to the player’s account, and they begin playing ranked games using the client’s account. The booster aims to achieve consistent victories and improve the player’s ELO or MMR.

Reasons for ELO Boosting

There are various reasons why players choose to opt for ELO boosting services. Some players may feel stuck at a certain rank and desire to reach higher divisions or tiers. Others may be motivated to obtain exclusive rewards and recognition for higher rank. Additionally, ELO boosting can appeal to players who need more time or skill to climb the ranks.

Benefits of ELO Boosting

ELO boosting offers several advantages to players who decide to utilize these services. First and foremost, it provides a shortcut to a higher rank, saving players the time and effort required to climb the ladder on their own. Moreover, reaching a higher rank can improve a player’s overall gaming experience, allowing them to compete against stronger opponents and learn from higher-skilled players.

Ethical Concerns and Risks

While ELO boosting may seem attractive for players looking to enhance their rankings, it raises ethical concerns within the gaming community. ELO boosting goes against the principles of fair competition and can create an imbalance in matchmaking. It also devalues players’ achievements who have genuinely worked hard to climb the ranks. Account sharing, part of ELO boosting, can also lead to security risks and the potential loss of personal information.

The Impact on the Gaming Community

ELO boosting has a significant impact on the gaming community as a whole. It distorts the matchmaking system, making it harder for players to have fair and balanced matches. It can also create frustration among players who encounter boosted accounts, as they may face opponents significantly better than their current rank’s average skill level. This can result in a negative experience for players and diminish the game’s overall enjoyment.

Ways to Improve Without ELO Boosting

There are legitimate alternatives to ELO boosting for players seeking improvement in their rankings. These include dedicating time to practice and honing their skills, watching educational content such as tutorials and streams, and actively participating in the community to gain knowledge from experienced players. Players can gradually improve their gameplay and climb the ranks organically by focusing on personal growth and actively engaging in the learning process.


ELO boost is a controversial practice in League of Legends boosting. While it offers a shortcut to higher ranks, it comes with ethical concerns and risks that can harm the gaming community. Instead of relying on ELO boosting, players should consider investing time and effort into improving their skills through legitimate means. By fostering a fair and competitive environment, we can ensure the longevity and integrity of the game we love.


Q1: Is ELO boosting legal in League of Legends? ELO boosting is not officially recognized as legal by Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends. It goes against the game’s terms of service and can result in penalties or account suspension if caught.

Q2: Can ELO boost guarantee a certain rank? While ELO boosting can significantly increase your chances of reaching a higher rank, achieving a specific division or tier is impossible. The outcome depends on various factors, including the player’s initial skill level and the matchmaking system.

Q3: Are there any risks involved in ELO boosting? Yes, there are risks associated with ELO boosting. Account sharing, a common practice in ELO boosting, can result in security breaches and potential loss of personal information. Additionally, using ELO boosting services can lead to penalties, including permanent bans from the game.

Q4: Can ELO boosting negatively affect other players? Yes, ELO boosting can hurt other players. Matchmaking imbalances caused by boosted accounts can result in unfair and unenjoyable matches for the boosted player and their opponents.

Q5: How can I improve my ranking without resorting to ELO boosting? Improving your ranking without ELO boosting involves:

  • Dedicating time to practice.
  • Learning from educational resources.
  • Actively engaging in the League of Legends community.

You can climb the ranks through your efforts by focusing on personal growth and skill development.