Top-Notch Internal Linking Strategies to Boost Your Website’s SEO

When it comes to your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), link-building plays the most crucial role. It is a strategic process of building high-quality links between your website and other websites such as or within your website pages. There are mainly two types of link-building procedures, including:

External Link-Building or External Linking- External link-building is a process of linking your website to another high domain authority website using a code like:

[<a href=””>Your text (anchor text) goes here</a>]

In other words, it is a process of creating a hyperlink or backlink on a domain that redirects to a targeted page on your domain when clicked by a user. 

It seems like a simple SEO action, but it is a bit complex and performed by seo agency specialists.

Internal Link-Building or Internal Linking- Internal link-building is a process of linking your website’s one page to another page using a code like:

[<a href=”” title=”Keyword Text”>Keyword Text</a>]

In internal linking, both source and target domains are the same. 

External links and internal links are crucial to boosting your website’s SEO and ranking on the Search Engine Page Result (SERP). You must brush up on these SEO skills if you want to grow your website. 

This article has mainly focused on top-notch internal linking strategies that will help boost your website SEO. But before we head over to those strategies, let’s discuss the importance of internal links. 

Why are Internal Links Important?  

Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., follow the internal links to find, index, and understand the content published on your website’s pages. The links also help them understand the structure and hierarchy of your website. 

Other primary purposes of internal links include:

  • Helping search engine crawlers navigate your website.
  • Assisting users to explore other relevant content or information available on your website when they hover on a particular page on your domain.
  • Distributing a page authority and ranking power to other pages on your website.
  • Helping crawlers to understand the overall architecture of your website.

All these purposes that internal links serve have a direct connection to your website’s SEO and ranking. That’s why internal links are essential for your website. Backlink Monks is one of the popular websites that you can consider for getting high-quality links. 

Five Top-Notch Internal Linking Strategies

Create Lots of Content- When you have many internal links on your website, search engine crawlers find it valuable and informative for the web visitors, and so they prioritize your website for ranking. It means the higher the number of useful internal links your website has, the better it will rank on the SERP. 

To create lots of useful internal links, you must have lots of content on your website. The more content your website has, the more links you can start by interlinking your website’s pages. 

An addition of a blog section, articles & updates, and a gallery is a great way to enrich your website with lots of content. You can regularly publish informative pieces of content and pictures on these sections that will allow you to create more and more internal links. 

Here one thing is important to notice that the content must be both user and SEO-friendly, or else search engine crawlers will fail to understand your content correctly. For this, you can take professional assistance from an SEO expert or an SEO Agency India. They will surely provide you with the best quality services. 

Use Natural Links- What do you understand by natural links? Let’s understand it with the following example:

Example- Internal linking is one of the most effective and powerful SEO methods you can use to rank your website. 

Suppose, in this sentence, the underlined and highlighted phrase is a link that redirects to a page that is about SEO methods. When you read the sentence mentioned above, did you notice any disturbing elements? Did you feel that the link is breaking the natural flow of the sentence? Obviously not! That’s what natural links are. 

Natural links refer to those links that perfectly fit the context of the sentence or the whole content. When reading the sentence, users do not find it like a disturbing element. 

So, you should use naturally flowing links on your website instead of forcefully inserted links. 

Use Relevant Links- Relevant links refer to those links that are relevant in context to the targeted content.

For example, let’s say you have two pages on your site. One is about animal welfare, and the other one is about fashionable clothes. 

Should you link these two pages? 

There is no connection between animal welfare and fashionable clothes. If you link these pages, it won’t benefit you but will lose your website’s ranking. 

But, if you have two separate pages about dog breed and dog’s food, you can link them as they have strong relevancy. 

As much as possible, use those links that clearly fit the context of the content. 

Create a Reasonable Number of Links- Creating lots of internal links is great for boosting your website’s SEO and ranking. However, it doesn’t mean you can create countless links. If your website has more than a reasonable number of links, search engine crawlers may doubt the authenticity of your content.

Now, if you want to know what a reasonable number is, unfortunately, nobody knows. However, many SEO experts believe a total of 100 links, including headers, footers, ads, etc., is ideal. You can consult with an SEO specialist regarding the same or just let them handle all these things. 

Create Links to Deep Pages of Your Website- When it comes to internal linking, many website owners mainly focus on the pages like home page, contact us section, etc. It is helpful, but sometimes, you overload these pages with internal links, which is not ideal from the SEO perspective. 

When creating internal links on your website, you should also target the deeper pages. It helps crawlers deepen into your website. 


With all the internal linking strategies we included in this article, you can improve your website’s SEO and help it rank on top of the SERP. It would be helpful if you add these strategies to your content marketing strategies or contact a freelance SEO consultant like Toni Marino.