Top 7 ideas for building the perfect email campaign for your rock band

Being part of a rock band is more than just making music and performing it. After all, if you don’t have people listening to the music, then you won’t be able to achieve your music dreams. While good music is the necessary keystone for your band, you should also work on promoting it to your audience. There are numerous mediums you must already be using, like posters and social media posts. However, you should not underestimate the impact of a well-run email marketing campaign.

When you plan and build a solid email campaign, then you can target your audience’s inboxes for a more personal approach, leading towards a loyal fanbase. Here are a few ways you can carry out a successful email marketing strategy. 

Build a solid, segmented email list

You need an updated email list to ensure you have the right recipients for your campaigns. Use email addresses you have from previous ticket sales or other interactions, and add them to your email lists. In addition, make sure your website has a popup which prompts people to add their email addresses to access exclusive information and deals. 

A good email list will give you the right audience to interact with. So, remove any inactive recipients, and see who you have to retarget. Of course, your active and regular audiences will remain on the list, but you need to segment each type of user, so that you can run proper email flows.  

Set your goals and strategies in advance

This is necessary before you start implementing your email campaigns. Once you have your email lists segmented, see what each category needs to engage more with your emails. For example, if a segment hasn’t been opening your monthly newsletter, you should make an email which entices them with exclusive and exciting information. 

In addition, if you have a regular audience, your emails should reflect your appreciation for their support, and give them regular updates and loyalty rewards. 

Make sure your emails are presented well

The visual aspect is important for your email campaigns to succeed. So, make sure you decide on a template which you’ll use throughout your campaigns in order to have a sense of band identity and cohesion. 

Use the band email templates on PosterMyWall to create appealing emails, and you can even run your campaigns on the platform’s email tool. This will help you keep everything in one place, and also keep track of your campaign’s performance. 

Automate your email workflow

When you have your emails made well in advance, then you can set up automated email workflows. First of all, make a series of emails for each audience segment. Then, set up the trigger responses for subsequent emails. For example, if you send out an email to an inactive lead, and they do respond, then the next email will be a welcome back email. 

This type of workflow doesn’t take much time to set up, and makes things much easier for you. So, prepare these in advance, so you can just run things smoothly from then on. 

Track your email campaign data

The key to improving your band email strategy is to keep an eye on the performance and data. PosterMyWall lets you track your email campaign performance, with important statistics like open rates, clickthrough rates, and more. So, you should be diligent and see how your emails are doing.  

This data will help you change things here and there, and get the most out of your email campaigns. With this, you can see what;s working for you, and can remove practices which do not succeed. 

Run multiple versions of your emails

A/B testing is a best practice you should follow for your email marketing strategies. Basically, this means that you’ll run two versions of the same email within a selected audience. The two versions will have slight differences which you want to test out, for example, a different subject line. 

You’ll run this testing for a limited time, and see which version works best. Then, you can run the better version for your full audience. You should do this for all your email campaigns in order to maximize your results. 

Keep your audience updated

Of course you need to follow all the strategies given above for your email campaigns. However, among all this, do not forget the basic point of your emails, that is, keeping your audience updated and interested. 

So, add pictures and videos related to your band performances, give them access to exclusive posters, and let them know what you have in the works. You should also highlight band members and supporting crew in these emails to add a personal touch. 

To sum up, like any other brand, your band needs a solid email campaign strategy. The above tips will go a long way in helping you implement a successful campaign, so you should follow them.