Top 5 Benefits of Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Digital devices are part and parcel of our everyday lives. From the minute we wake up to the time we go to sleep, digital devices have encroached into the nooks and crannies of our existence. From mobile phones to tablets, laptops and smart watches, we are dependent on these digital gadgets for a large chunk of our daily activities. But, does this hyper-dependence on digital devices come with a cost? Well, many experts say yes. From creating erratic sleeping patterns to reducing our attention span and causing digital eye strain, the possible disadvantages of overusing digital devices are many. In such a context, blue light blocking glasses come to the rescue. What are they and what benefits do they offer? Let us find out!

What is Blue Light? Where Does It Come From?

In simple words, we can understand blue light as a wavelength that is present in the natural light of the sun. When compared to other types of light, blue light has a short wavelength. This particular character is significant as doctors associate short-wavelength light with a higher risk for eye damage.

The blue light originating from the sun is an organic form of blue light. However, there exists artificial blue light emitted from digital gadgets, such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc. Such artificial blue light is the real culprit. It may cause minor harms to your vision initially, which can snowball into something more dangerous if timely care is not taken!

Harmful Effects of Excessive Exposure to Blue Light

Excessive exposure to blue light over a long period of time can manifest as several repercussions, such as –

  • Eye strain
  • Increased fatigue
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Headaches
  • Eye problems and more

Therefore, to dodge such problems, blue light blocking glasses become important. What are their tangible benefits? Let us find out!

Top 5 Benefits of Blue Light Blocking Glasses

To reduce the possible harms and negative effects of excessive blue light exposure, eyeglass manufacturers have come up with a transformative solution – spectacles with special anti-blue light coatings and tints that block or prevent blue light from reaching our eyes. Some of the major advantages of blue light blocking glasses are –

  • Protection against Digital Eye Strain

It goes without saying that looking at digital screens for a very long time is bound to cause eye strain. Eye strain inhibits a person’s productivity,  increases lethargy and causes the eyes to water. Besides, some people also find it difficult to focus. Well, of course, the solution in such a situation is not to throw away your gadgets or reduce your screen time to one hour a day. Instead, you can opt for high-quality anti-blue light glasses.

Less Headaches

Wearing anti-blue light glasses might help minimise the prospect of getting frequent headaches from using digital gadgets for an extended time period. In addition, individuals with recurring episodes of migraine can also consider wearing blue light blocking glasses.

  • Improved Sleeping Patterns

Exposure to artificial blue light after sundown can disrupt a person’s sleeping pattern. It is one of the major reasons why you are advised not to look at gadgets at night. Being exposed to excessive artificial blue light at night suppresses the sleep hormone called melatonin. Thus, you might find it difficult sleeping at night. You should wear anti-blue light glasses while binge-watching your favourite shows at night. So, getting your daily dose of entertainment is possible while taking care of your sleep.

  • UV Protection

UV rays are pretty harmful for the naked eyes. Prolonged susceptibility to UV light can result in cataracts, macular degeneration, cornea damage, and other eye diseases. Some anti-blue light spectacles also absorb UV rays along with blue light emitted by digital gadgets.

  • Prevention of Age-related Macular Degeneration

Last but not least, wearing anti-blue light glasses can also help prevent AMD in the long run. Age-related macular degeneration is an eye condition that makes the central portion of the vision blurry and distorted. The person does not get completely blind, but regular activities like reading, driving, etc., become very challenging. Blue light blocking glasses might help avoid AMD by inhibiting harmful blue rays and UV light from reaching the cornea.

Concluding Thoughts

So, there we have it, a crisp summary of the benefits of blue light blocking glasses. Nowadays, it is also possible to affix anti-blue light coatings on prescription glasses online and offline. So, take extra care of your eyes in this digital by opting for high-quality anti-blue light frames.